About the DS3800DCMC1C1C
The DS3800DCMC1C1C is a printed circuit board (PCB) manufactured by GE as part of their Speedtronic Mark IV system, which is a steam and gas turbine control structure specifically designed to reduce forced outage time caused by sensor failure. The Mark IV has many interconnected microprocessors with interconnection and intentional redundancies; when one board has an issue, the Mark IV automatically shifts the load to other boards and the Mark IV continues to run. This allows the problem to be fixed with zero interruption to the system.
The DS3800DCMC1C1C has two male I/O connectors located on its front long side. These connectors are both 13-pin and sit next to each other on the board. The board is factory drilled in each corner for mounting, but also has five plug ports labeled P1 to P5 in the back upper corner. The DS3800DCMC1C1C has two LED displays located in the two front corners. Each of these is labeled TXDA, RXDA, CTSA, and DSRB. There is one ribbon-cable connector on the rear of the board opposite the I/Os.
The DS3800DCMC1C1C has three jumper switches located around the board (near the comm relay and the I/Os.) There are PTH (plated through holes) located behind one of the LED displays, to serve as extra contact points as needed (sixteen sets in two lines of eight.)
The DS3800DCMC1C1C has sixteen integrated circuits and thirty-nine capacitors. It has one Eprom.
Technical support for the DS3800DCMC1C1C was originally provided by the manufacturer. AxControl suggests referencing GE's data sheet and/or manual for all installation and safety guidelines.