About the DS3800DEPB
The GE Excitation Power Board DS3800DEPB features 1 20-pin ribbon cable and 5 10-pin connectors. The GE LCI Exciter Control Board DS3800DECA1B1B also is populated with 4 terminals for adding components, and 2 trimmer resistors.
Some of the IDs for the 10-pin connectors are JA-RUN, CAL1B, and JB-COM. Because there are 5 of the 10-pin connectors it is important that you identify the right ribbon cable to connect to each connector. If you install the board but not connect the ribbon cable to the right connectors, it will require you to shut down the drive and plug the ribbon cables into the correct connectors. This will cut drive productivity and inconvenience operators who work on drives in the surrounding area.
Instead, mark on each cable the ID of the connector it is connected to. It will make installation of the replacement board fast and easy.
The 20-pin ribbon cable cannot be removed from the board and it serves as the connection to the drive. It is important that you make sure it is fully seated in the connector. To do that, press firmly on the top of the connector to ensure the connection is tight. If you see space between the connectors, it might indicate that somes pins are not fully connected.
When you connect the 10-pin ribbon cables, it is important that you route the cables correctly. That is, don’t route them with power cables that can interfere with the signals the ribbon cables carry. Also, keep them from blocking air flow in front of the vents or other heat-generating components.