About the DS3800HAIC1D1C
The GE Regulator Board DS3800HAIC1D1C features a modular connector for attachment to a drive and retention levers to hold the board in the drive. The GE Regulator Board DS3800HAIC1D1C also is populated with 9 jumpers, and 2 trimmer resistor components. The board also has 1 20-pin connector and several test points. This DS3800HAIC1D1C Control Board device's greater Mark IV Series, as industry professionals often refer to it in short, has to be embraced for its status as a legacy GE product series whose initial production was halted due to a full-series and manufacturer-identified functional obsolescence.
Hardware Tips and Specifications
The modular connector is located on the bottom of the board and it is designed to attach to a matching connector at the rear of the board rack. When attached, the connectors provide the current required to power the board. The modular connectors also enable the board to receive signals transmitted by other boards. The board transmits signals through the modular connectors too. It is vital that the connectors are fully seated so that all power and signals connections are complete. To do that, use 2 hands to hold the board by the sides and align it with the board rack. Make sure it doesn’t knock against any components on the board while you slide it into the rack. Also keep the board from scraping against the rack. Use your thumbs to gently press the board into the modular connector and the retention levers will be in position to secure the board. Press the retention levers down to lock the board in the rack. At this point the modular connectors are fully seated and the power and signal connection are complete.
When the board is installed, you can connect any ribbon cables to the 2 20-pin connectors. Press the connector on the ribbon cable into the connector on the board. It is important to handle any installation of this DS3800HAIC1D1C Control Board device or any other Mark IV Turbine Control System Series product for that matter with the aid of a typical wrist grounding strap, as should have been outlined in this DS3800HAIC1D1C Control Board product's original instructional documentation. This DS3800HAIC1D1C Control Board device here has to be described as not the pure base Control Board designed for GE's Mark IV Series, although its several revisions were included to improve its overall performance and functionality within its greater Mark IV Series automated drive assembly.