About the DS3800HLCA
The DS3800HLCA is a printed circuit board or PCB manufactured by GE as a component in its Mark IV/Speedtronic system. The Mark IV, which is used for gas and steam turbine control, was created by GE with integrated chipsets that use controlled failure/recovery technology. These intentional redundancies allow boards to take over responsibilities if one PCB experiences a technical issue, giving the user time to diagnose and repair the problem with little to no downtime.
The DS3800HLCA is used as an I/O Control board. It has the following specs:
has been marked for alignment on its top edge with letters (A through J) and markings
has one LED marked "test." This is a red LED.
has 4 potentiometers positioned on its right edge. These are labeled HGN, HOS, LGN, and OS.
has two toggle switches positioned on its right edge. These are labeled "test" and "reset."
has three jumper switches. Jumpers allow the end user to easily change certain configurations of the board by changing the position of the jumper switch.
has three resistor networks placed on the board
has twelve TP test points. These are positioned on the right side of the board and are individually labeled.
has one A-mp connector (218A4553-1) positioned on its left edge.
has two programmable Intel interfaces, located at the center of the board
The DS3800HLCA is designed with capacitors located throughout the board. It is made with metal film resistors (ceramic covered) of differing values. There are over 35 integrated circuits.
Tech support for the DS3800HLCA was provided by GE, including the publication of datasheets and manuals.