About the DS3800HSDD1E1F
The DS3800HSDD1E1F was made by General Electric and is a solenoid driver printed circuit board. DS3800HSDD1E1F was developed to be a part of the Speedtronic Mark IV, a turbine control system. Mark IV, like all of the Mark systems, has been used to ensure the efficiency and safety of gas and steam turbines for years. Decades of innovation have culminated in the Mark IV series.
Hardware Tips and Specifications
There are a total of 21 integrated circuits that vary in size on the DS3800HSDD1E1F solenoid driver card. These integrated circuits can be identified using the reference designator U. Arranged vertically in the middle of the card is a range of fifteen capacitors which vary in size and are yellow. These are identified with the reference designator C. Also identified by the reference designator U is an assortment of other capacitors. On the DS3800HSDD1E1F are many resistors with bands in various colors. The resistance capability of each resistor is represented by these colored bands.
On the right half of the solenoid driver card is a series of 8 transistors. Round diodes which are red in color are placed alongside each transistor on the DS3800HSDD1E1F. A connector port is on the left side of the card, offering the user the chance to connect extra components or other cards to the DS3800HSDD1E1F. Eight LEDs, or light-emitting diodes, are on the right half of the DS3800HSDD1E1F circuit card and have red lights. The reference designator CR identifies these diodes. Different diodes in various shapes and sizes are around the DS3800HSDD1E1F and are also identified with the reference designator CR.