About the DS3800NFLA1C1C
The DS3800NFLA1C1C was made by General Electric (GE). This is a daughter board, or a circuit board that can be attached to a larger circuit board if needed. This provides more components for the larger circuit board. The DS3800NFLA1C1C was created to be a component in the Speedtronic Mark IV turbine control series.
Hardware Tips and Specifications
The DS3800NFLA1C1C is a very small circuit board. On the left half it contains eight (8) black and brown diodes identified by the initial CR. Next to those diodes are four (4) jumper pins. An additional seven (7) jumper pins are located on the opposite end of the DS3800NFLA1C1C. Using a jumper, two adjacent jumper pins can be connected. This alters the functions of the circuit board. Featured on the board is a large 12 volt orange capacitor identified by the initial C. Next to this device is a rectangular silver relay, or contactor, which is identified by the initial K. This relay is labeled with the number 8301. Three (3) round silver transistors can be seen near the center of the card.
These transistors are identified by the letter Q. A few small resistors can be found on the DS3800NFLA1C1C. These resistors are covered in multicolored bands with can be used to find out the resistance capacity of each device. The resistors are identified by the letter R. Near these small resistors is a very small diode which is grey and black in color. This diode can be identified by the initials CR and is named CR11.