About the DS3800NLIA1H1F
The DS3800NLIA1H1F is a part of General Electric’s Turbine series call Speedtronic Mark IV. Gas Turbines are used all over the world for efficient energy production. A turbine uses an internal combustion engine to produce a gas mixture to cause the turbine to turn which generates energy. The energy is then harnessed for other purposes. The DS3800NLIA1H1F has four blue diodes, nine dark green diodes, four large red diodes, and two orange diodes. The diodes control the energy flow across the circuit board, only allowing it to flow in one direction. An LED is a light emitting diode meaning it illuminates as a current passes through it. The DS3800NLIA1H1F has a masculine terminal and a feminine terminal that is used to connect with the surrounding circuit boards. The DS3800NLIA1H1F also has two yellow LEDs and two red LEDs. The DS3800NLIA1H1F has over two-hundred resistors. The DS3800NLIA1H1F has three large golden capacitors, three average-sized golden capacitors, two long black capacitors, and six small golden capacitors. The capacitors hold excess energy in an electrical field. Each resistor has bands of different colors on the outside to indicate their energy capacity. The DS3800NLIA1H1F has two fasteners and a few places to put anchors to secure the DS3800NLIA1H1F in place. The DS3800NLIA1H1F has a mixture of twenty integrated circuits. The integrated circuits are also called EEPROM or EPROM. The EEPROM comes already loaded with data and cannot be altered. The EPROM comes loaded with data and can be changed as needed.
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