About the DS3800NRFA1E1D
The DS3800NRFA1E1D is a ramp and follower card manufactured by GE for the Mark IV series. Designed for gas/steam turbine management, the Mark IV improves the efficiency of these systems by automating some standard procedures like startup, cool down, and shut down. It may also be used for air, water, and fuel emissions monitoring.
Hardware Tips and Specifications
The DS3800NRFA1E1D has an optional auxiliary card which installs in the upper right quadrant of the board on nineteen board-to-board pins already installed in the motherboard. This optional daughter board (DS3800DRFA) gives the DS3800NRFA1E1D access to more components, including potentiometers and quick-connect screw mounts when it is installed. The DS3800NRFA1E1D has eight light emitting diodes. These are placed on the board in three groups along the right edge: two LEDs, then one, then five in the lower corner. All LEDs are red. The board has six test points, which are marked TP0-TP5. It has an extractor installed in each right-hand corner. These clips help technicians when trying to extract or install the board from locations with minimal clearance.
The DS3800NRFA1E1D is built with one right-angled PCB connector (218A4553-1 A/mp) and one Augat connector. It has been factory drilled and marked for alignment. The DS3800NRFA1E1D has thirty-one circuits. This includes hex inverting gates which perform the logic INVERT function, and triple 3- and dual 4-input positive NAND gates. It has one transistor. Technical support for the DS3800NRFA1E1D was provided by GE. This includes all printed material such as datasheets and manuals. The user may find such reference material to be an excellent ongoing resource.