About the DS3800NRRA
The DS3800NRRA is a PCB manufactured by GE for the Mark IV series. This series was created for the management of gas and steam turbine systems. The Mark IV is a microcomputer-based system with triple-redundant backups on all protection parameters and critical controls which limits downtime caused by electronics failure, thus improving efficiency. It also improves efficiency by giving the user the option to automate some standard procedures, like startup and shutdown.
Hardware Tips and Specifications
The DS3800NRRA acts as a regulator monitor board. It is alignment marked, factory-drilled and built with extractors installed in both right-hand corners. Extractors help technicians with insertion and extraction in tight spaces, as it gives them a lever point or a handle, allowing them to manipulate the board without fear of damaging components or circuitry. The DS3800NRRA has eight light emitting diodes located along its right edge, seven red and one amber. These are labeled preset, mancol, unsu1, ru1, sten, int, calc, and imok. The LEDs are placed on the board in the upper and lower right corners, and between these locations, there are ten TP test points.
The DS3800NRRA is designed to connect to another board via sixteen board to board pins located in its upper right quadrant. It can also communicate with other boards via one PCB mating connector (218A4553-1 AMP 102041-1) located on its left edge. There is also on Augat connector (female) located on the board. The DS3800NRRA is built with four transistors including one Motorola 7711-2 213 HF/VHF power MOS transistor. This features high power gain, easy power control, good thermal stability, low intermodulation distortion, and can withstand full load mismatch. The DS3800NRRA is built with four board stiffeners installed. This includes one across the bottom edge of the board and three across the short. Board stiffeners decrease vibration, keep the board from bending, and minimize the chance of cracking or shock damage. The DS3800NRRA is built with twenty-three integrated circuits. This includes dual operational gates with short-circuit protection and hex inverting gates. Technical support for the DS3800NRRA was the responsibility of GE.