About the DS3800NTBJ
The DS3800NTBJ is a printed circuit board or PCB manufactured by GE for their Mark IV series. This series is designed for gas/steam turbine management and has an improved operator interface compared to previous versions of the Speedtronic system. It also has more application flexibility and can control features such as temperature, turbine protection, speed, control sequencing, startup, shutdown, and power supply for the turbine system. The MKIV is built upon microcomputer-controlled distributed control functions that manage and reduce the turbine outage rate and help increase turbine reliability.
The DS3800NTBJ functions as a termination board interface. Termination boards are designed to join wires together without using solder, and are useful for wire termination and interfacing. This board is alignment marked (lettered A through J along the top edge, and numbered one through ten on its left edge,) and factory-drilled twice in each corner. The board has an additional two factory-made holes along its center axis.
The DS3800NTBJ is built around five components. These components include three PCB mating connectors. Labeled JA, JB, and JC, these connectors are vertical male pin connectors of 10, 10, and 26 pins respectively. The other two components on the board are two 12-position screw terminal adapters. These are labeled TBA and TBB. The TBA connector is numbered one through twelve from right to left and corresponds to the JA and JC mating connectors. The TBB connector is numbered twice, from one to twelve and from thirteen to twenty-four, starting from the left going to the right. This connector corresponds to the JB and JC mating connectors.
All technical support for the DS3800NTBJ was provided by General Electric. This includes manuals and datasheets.