About the DS3820LIMC1A1A
The DS3820LIMC1A1A is a circuit board for General Electric. It is part of the Speedtronic Mark IV series. ** AX Control suggests referring to the original manufacturer's manual for all safety and installation methods. Technical support for the DS3820LIMC1A1A was initially provided by General Electric.
Hardware Tips and Specifications
A gas or steam turbine uses a large internal combustion engine to mix fuel and air to cause a contained explosion. This explosion creates a series of gases that are under a lot of pressure and force their way out of the engine causing the turbine to move at high speed generating a great deal of energy. The energy created by the moving turbine is then harnessed and used for a multitude of other purposes. The DS3820LIMC1A1A has a large black terminal with twelve large screw ports.
The DS3820LIMC1A1A has one large orange capacitor, an average orange capacitor, and a circular orange capacitor. The capacitors hold excess energy in electrical fields. The DS3820LIMC1A1A has two male black terminal connection ports. The DS3820LIMC1A1A has a mixture of diodes, resistors, EPROMs, and EEPROMs. There is also a plastic outlined case with a multitude of other components. Every part of the DS3820LIMC1A1A is individually labeled with a corresponding letter and number, the part number (DS3820LIMC1A1A) and the manufacturer (General Electric) is also printed on the circuit board. If you would like any additional information about this product or any other that AX Control offers please call the trusted team at AX Control. They will be happy to assist you with any questions.