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This General Electric DS200SHCBG1ABC Shunt Connector Board was originally designed to exist within the Mark V Turbine Control Series.



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  • Part Number: DS200SHCBG1ABC
  • Manufacturer: GE Boards & Turbine Control
  • Series: Mark V DS200

DS200SHCBG1ABC Technical Specifications

Original Manufacturer GE General Electric
Product Series Mark V
Functional Part Number DS200SHCBG1ABC
Functional Product Description Shunt Connector Card
Functional Abbreviation SHCB
PCB Coating Type Normal Coating
1st Functional Revision A
2nd Functional Revision B
Artwork Revision C

About the DS200SHCBG1ABC

This DS200SHCBG1ABC Shunt Connector Board or Shunt Connector Card is a crucial member of its greater Mark V Series, even if original instructional manual documentation concerning this DS200SHCBG1ABC product specifically can only be classified as scare. This General Electric-manufactured product has a normal Mark V Series assembly version. The Mark V Series is one of the latest systems of General Electric products designed for use alongside Speedtronic technology, which has been developed ever since the rollout of the General Electric Mark I Series in the late 1960s. This DS200SHCBG1ABC printed circuit board is not the original Shunt Connector Card that was manufactured by General Electric for their Mark V Series; that would be the DS200SHCBG1 parent Shunt Connector Board missing this DS200SHCBG1ABC product's three significant revisions.

Hardware Tips and Specifications

This DS200SHCBG1ABC Shunt Connector Card, like any GE Mark V Series product, has its own set of important hardware inclusions and specifications that allow for normal functioning. The GE Shunt Connector Board DS200SHCBG1ABC features one 2-pin connector, with two terminals for the bridge and motor signal connections. As this DS200SHCBG1ABC Shunt Connector Board is one of the smallest boards in the Mark V Series catalog, this is about the extent of hardware elements visible upon a thorough visual inspection of the PCB itself. The DS200SHCBG1ABC functional product number is a good source of other hardware-specifactory information for this product, including its normal Mark V Series assembly, its SHCB functional acronym, its normal style of PCB coating, and its three significant product revisions. Before making a purchase decision on this DS200SHCBG1ABC Mark V Series product offering, it is important to understand that the three revisions made to this DS200SHCBG1ABC product may alter it greatly from its original performance specifications and dimensions.

The DS200SHCBG1ABC drive is a high-voltage device and to prevent injury from electricity or damage to components in the drive, it is important to follow some factory-set installation guidelines, the first of which being to inspect the general area where the drive is installed and note moisture or water on the floor. If you find oil, grease or other liquids during this inspection, use detergents to clean the floor and don’t start the replacement until the floor is dry. If any ungrounded cables are in the vicinity of the DS200SHCBG1ABC PCB and drive, disconnect them from the power source or replace them with grounded cables. When you work inside the Mark V Series drive it is important to keep all hand tools away from the other components inside the drive to prevent damage.

Frequently Asked Questions about DS200SHCBG1ABC

What is located on DS200SHCBG1ABC?
On the left of DS200SHCBG1ABC is a bridge connection. On the right of DS200SHCBG1ABC is a motor connection.
How many amps is DS200SHCBG1ABC?
DS200SHCBG1ABC is a 65 amp shunt connector card.

Reviews For DS200SHCBG1ABC

Internal Review

This DS200SHCBG1ABC Shunt Connector Board or Shunt Connector Card as it is referred to as in original General Electric manual materials, is a viable member of its greater Mark V Series and Mark V Series automated drive assembly, especially considering the fact that it incorporates two functional product revisions and a singular artwork configuration revision into its normal style of Mark V Series assembly. It is very important to follow any relevant installation procedures when installing this DS200SHCBG1ABC product, as it is considered static-sensitive. - AX Control Lead Technician