About the DS200TBQDG1AFF
This DS200TBQDG1AFF printed circuit board was originally manufactured to exist in General Electric's Mark V Turbine Control System Series, as alluded to above. This DS200TBQDG1AFF PCB's greater Mark V Series, as you may have guessed, has specific applications in the management and control systems of popular steam, wind, and gas turbine automated drive assemblies. This Mark V Turbine Control System Series is considered a legacy series due to its eventual discontinuation by the original manufacturer General Electric, although it also has to be regarded as one of the final General Electric product series to make use of the patented Speedtronic control system technology first seen with the rollout of the Mark I. This DS200TBQDG1AFF printed circuit board product offering is truly better-definable as an RST Extension Analog Termination Board; its original instructional manual-printed functional product description. While this DS200TBQDG1AFF PCB is definable as an RST Extension Analog Termination Board in its own right, the originally-designed product with that specific functionality is the DS200TBQDG1 parent printed circuit board missing all three of this DS200TBQDG1AFF PCB's three significant product revisions.
Hardware Tips and Specifications
To reach its intended Mark V Series functionality as an RST Extension Analog Termination Board, this DS200TBQDG1AFF product offering makes use of an elevated series of hardware components and component specifications. The GE RST Extension Analog Termination Board DS200TBQDG1AFF features 2 terminal blocks. Each block contains 107 terminals for signal wires. The GE RST Extension Analog Termination Board DS200TBQDG1AFF also contains multiple test points, 2 jumpers, and 3 34-pin connectors. The GE RST Extension Analog Termination Board DS200TBQDG1AFF is populated with 3 test points that a qualified servicer can use to test the individual circuits of the board. The test points have IDs TP1, TP2, and TP3. Before the test points can be tested, the testing instrument must be qualified for the purpose and it must be fully calibrated to test the functionality of the circuit. The probes attached to it must be compatible with the tester and all settings on the instrument must be appropriate for the task. If the testing instrument does not find a definitive problem with the DS200TBQDG1AFF board, you can use the diagnostic tools provided with the drive. The keypad on the drive is used to access the diagnostic tools. It can also be used by an operator to change the behavior of the drive. The operator can stop the motor or start it. The operator can also change the direction of the motor and change the speed of the motor. You will find that keys on the keypad are labeled to indicate the action caused when you press the key. Some keys enable you to access a user-interface that gives you access to the diagnostic tools. The user-interface provides a menu list of actions.
The above DS200TBQDG1AFF printed circuit board hardware information is primarily focused around the various diagnostic tools and test points afforded to this DS200TBQDG1AFF device's assembly. While this information is certainly helpful to understand, its inclusion here is more reminiscent of the general unavailability of original DS200TBQDG1AFF board instructional manual materials online. Given this noted lack, the DS200TBQDG1AFF functional product number itself can be considered a strong source of DS200TBQDG1AFF RST Extension Analog Termination Board hardware information, beginning with the dual-functional DS200 series tag. This series tag is dual functional as it describes both the DS200TBQDG1AFF PCB's normal style of Mark V Series assembly as well as its domestic original manufacture location. The DS200 series tag is followed in the DS200TBQDG1AFF functional product number by an instance of the TBQD functional product abbreviation, which itself is followed by the G1 series grouping tag; another DS200TBQDG1AFF number chunk with dual naming responsibilities. The G1 series grouping tag in the DS200TBQDG1AFF product number is reminiscent of this DS200TBQDG1AFF PCB's normal style of PCB protective coating along with its group one Mark V Series product grouping. The final three letters in the DS200TBQDG1AFF product number remind us of this DS200TBQDG1AFF Board's full three-fold revision history.