About the DS200TCQBG1A
This DS200TCQBG1A printed circuit board is more specifically definable by its original instructional manual-printed functional product description as an RST Analog Extender Card or RST Extended Analog I/O Board, depending on which Mark V Series or General Electric instructional manual you might be viewing. The Mark V Series that this DS200TCQBG1A printed circuit board or PCB is featured in is the latest product series developed by General Electric using their signature patented Speedtronic technology. The Mark V Series specifically applied to gas, steam, or wind turbine control system applications, and features many specific subseries. This DS200TCQBG1A printed circuit board is not actually the original Mark V Turbine Control Series product of its type to be produced, as it exists as an edited version of the original DS200TCQBG1A RTS Analog Extender Card; modified through its inclusion of a singular A-rated functional product revision.
Hardware Tips and Specifications
As with any General Electric product originally manufactured for placement in the Mark V Turbine Control System Series, this DS200TCQBG1A product offering comes standard with its own specific set of hardware component inclusions and specifications; all of which should pertain to its originally-described Mark V Series assembly functionality. The GE RST Extended Analog I/O Board model, DS200TCQBG1A is populated with both a programmable logic device and EPROM modules. The GE RST Extended Analog I/O Board DS200TCQBG1A also has 1 OK LED that is viewable from the side, 1 50-pin connector, and 15 jumpers. The OK LED on the side of this DS200TCQBG1A printed circuit board is designed to indicate if the board is receiving power when it is lit. It also indicates if the board is processing. The OK LED might serve as the first indication that a problem exists, if the OK LED is off while the drive has power. To verify a functional fault in this DS200TCQBG1A PCB's assembly, normative activity involves first disconnecting all the cables from the board, before reconnecting them to verify that the cables are fully seated. If the cables are connected, it might indicate that the board is not processing information; if that is the case, the first task to perform is to run the diagnostic tools available standard to this DS200TCQBG1A Mark V Series product.
The DS200TCQBG1A does require certain modifications during installation due to the application specific nature of most systems. The 15 jumpers on the base board of this DS200TCQBG1A printed circuit board must be configured to match the needed settings; similarly, it is important to verify that the removable eeproms present on the board match the needed configuration and that they are seated properly. The remainder of the physical installation of this DS200TCQBG1A RST Analog Extender Card simply requires a number of ribbon cables be plugged into the correct port. All of the individual hardware elements in the assembly of this DS200TCQBG1A RTS Analog Extender Card should receive at least some level of base daily wear and tear protection from the normal style of printed circuit board protective coating that has been applied to the base board of this DS200TCQBG1A PCB. This normal PCB coating style is a thick rudimentary protective insulation layer that is applied to specific hardware elements on the DS200TCQBG1A PCB's base circuit board on a functional priority basis.