About the DS200VPBLG1ACC
The DS200VPBLG1ACC is a PCB manufactured as a component for the Mark V series from GE, as referenced just above. The Mark V is one of the many Speedtronic systems released by General Electric designed as a complete system solution for the management of heavy-duty gas or steam turbines. The MKV is designed using TMR (triple modular redundant) architecture, which is able to perform all protective functions, sequencing, and critical control algorithms necessary to run the turbine and its auxiliaries. The TMR controllers receive data from triple-redundant sensors, although the number of sensors per system varies. Since one of the benefits of the MKV is its scalability and adaptability, many systems are uniquely designed, including this DS200VPBLG1ACC model PCB.
Hardware Tips and Specifications
The DS200VPBLG1ACC is a VME backplane board. It fits into a rack system that accepts and holds other boards; this is the VME Rack System developed using the Mark V Series' signature Speedtronic technology. As a specialized Mark V Turbine Control System Series product offering, this DS200VPBLG1ACC VME Backplane Board necessitates its own series of unique and specialized hardware components and component specifications. The DS200VPBLG1ACC's internal assembly includes several vertical pin connectors, including a 26-pin discrete cable connector that is used for diagnostics. Three 20-pin ribbon connectors transfer attenuated voltage signals to the DS200VPBLG1ACC from a voltage feedback scaling board. TheDS200VPBLG1ACC board also has a twelve-pin Mate-n-Lock for power supply connection; although there are three total Mate-n-Lock connectors on the DS200VPBLG1ACC board. A 12-pin terminal block transfers tachometer signals to the CPU. The DS200VPBLG1ACC board has five jumpers for customization purposes and eight stab connectors. The DS200VPBLG1ACC has sixty TP test points. These spring loops allow access to both analog and digital signals. The board is also populated by a terminal strip, seven resistor network arrays, four high-voltage electrolytic capacitors, and four LEDs.
Fortunately for our purposes, the specific applications of each jumper afforded to the assembly of this DS200VPBLG1ACC VME Backplane Board have been described in detail in this product's orginal pertinent instructional manual. As with any hardware component attached to the base board of this DS200VPBLG1ACC product, the manually-moveable hardware jumpers in its assembly are all accompanied by their own factory-printed nomenclature label; each beginning with the TACH tag indicating a tachometer setting jumper. The TACHA jumper in the assembly of this DS200VPBLG1ACC PCB, as described by General Electric, has a specific application selecting the pules tachometer phase A return. When in the F position, this TACHA jumper 330 ohms to this DS200VPBLG1ACC device's negative output, while in the D position, 330 ohms are bypassed to output. Some of the other relevant jumpers in the assembly of this DS200VPBLG1ACC printed circuit board include:
- the TACHB Pulse Tachometer Phase B Return Jumper
- the TACHM Pulse Tachometer MARKER Return Jumper
- the TACHV1 Pulse Tachometer V1 Power Select Jumper
- the TACHV2 Pulse Tachometer V2 Power Select Jumper
All of these jumpers inserted above have been named through a combination of their factory-printed nomenclature labels and specific Mark V Series automated drive assembly applications. This DS200VPBLG1ACC printed circuit board's jumper selections should receive at least some form of base protection and insulation from the normal style of PCB protective coating applied to the base board of this DS200VPBLG1ACC product. The functions of different jumper selections for these identified jumpers are described in detail in original DS200VPBLG1ACC manual materials inserted for your convenience above.