About the DS2020FEBNRX050A
This DS2020FEBNRX050A Mark V Turbine Control System Series printed circuit board product offering from General Electric, as mentioned above, truly exists as Field Exciter Module. This DS2020FEBNRX050A device's greater Mark V Series is a bit of a typical self-explanatory General Electric Mark product series iteration truthfully enough, as its specific applications exist solely in the control and management systems of GE-compatible steam and gas turbine automated drive assemblies. With this being the case, this DS2020FEBNRX050A product's greater Mark V Series must be considered obsolete overall, as it is truthfully a now-defunct legacy product series discontinued for production by General Electric due to a manufacturer-realized functional series obsolescence in one of the many years past its initial rollout. While obsolete as a whole, specific devices within this DS2020FEBNRX050A Modular Assembly's greater Mark V Series are still highly-sought on the general automated industrial marketplace, as the Mark V exists as one of the final-developed GE product series to make use of the customized Speedtronic control system technology across many of its offerings.
Hardware Tips and Specifications
Given this DS2020FEBNRX050A Mark V Series product offering's legacy product series status and concurrent obsolete nature, it shouldn't come as too much of a surprise to learn that General Electric has been actively gleaning the internet of this DS2020FEBNRX050A device's originally-circulated instructional manual materials. With this being the case, the DS2020FEBNRX050A functional product number itself can actually be defined as a primary source of DS2020FEBNRX050A Board hardware component and component specification information; as it can be gleaned here for specific DS2020FEBNRX050A Board details in a series of consecutive functional naming elements. The DS2020FEBNRX050A functional product number is actually started off with a dual-functional naming component in the DS2020 series element detailing both this DS2020FEBNRX050A Field Exciter Module's special Mark V Series assembly as well as its domestic location of original manufacture. Some of the other relevant hardware details revealed through this DS2020FEBNRX050A functional product number include this Mark V Series Field Exciter Module's:
- FEBN functional product acronym
- 50 A maximum field supply amperage
It is unknown whether or not this DS2020FEBNRX050A device exists as the original Field Exciter Module manufactured to exist within the Mark V Series automated drive assembly, as its DS2020FEBNRX050A functional product number was actually specially formulated to display this DS2020FEBNRX050A PCB's maximum amperage. This DS2020FEBNRX050A device is but one of three total Field Exciter Modules manufactured for placement in the Mark V Series; the FEAN and FECN Modules developed with this DS2020FEBNRX050A Module are also available to our extended new and reconditioned inventory here. Generally, this DS2020FEBNRX050A Mark V Series product offering's voltage suppression and limitation strategy involves the incorporation of a Mark V Series-standardized collection of voltage-limiting hardware components into its special modular assembly. Some of these components include various styles of rectifiers, capacitors, diodes, and specialized integrated circuits.