About the DS2020FECNEX015A
This DS2020FECNEX015A printed circuit board is actually a module that exists within its greater Mark V Turbine Control System Series of turbine control systems, as evidenced by the presence of the special DS2020 modular tag in the DS2020FECNEX015A functional product number. This Mark V Turbine Control Series product offering is listed specifically as a Field Exciter Module in original General Electric instructional manual materials. This DS2020FECNEX015A GE printed circuit board is not the original product that was manufactured for use in the Mark V Series, however, that would be the DS2020FECNEX015 product offering missing this DS2020FECNEX015A PCB's singular significant product revision.
Hardware Tips and Specifications
This DS2020FECNEX015A Field Exciter Module makes use of a standard number of hardware components and component specifications to achieve its normative functionality within the greater Mark V product series. The GE Field Exciter Board DS2020FECNEX015A features 7 jumpers and 2 terminal blocks with 3 terminals on each. These jumpers are identified as JP1 through JP7, by factory-printed nomenclature labels. The GE Line Protection Board DS2020FECNEX015A also contains several test points, and is installed on standoffs on another component of the drive. The signal wires that connect to the board originate on the component to which they are attached. The DS2020FECNEX015A Field Exciter Module also is populated with capacitors that pose a safety risk if you do not take the necessary precautions before handling the board. Capacitors are used on many similar Mark V Series boards and serve the purpose of storing and releasing electric energy during normal processing of the board. However, if you touch the board when the current is removed from the board but the capacitor are still storing electric energy, a serious shock hazard can exist which can lead the an electric burn or other injury. This DS2020FECNEX015A Field Exciter Module possesses a unique and interesting functional product number that is a strong source of hardware identification information. Some of the various hardware elements and specifications available from an analysis of this DS2020FECNEX015A functional product number alone include:
- A DS2020 special modular assembly version
- The FECN functional product acronym
- A Special EX015 protective coating
- A singular A-rated functional product revision