About the IS200BAIAH1BDC
The IS200BAIAH1BDC is a GE Bridge Application Interface Board. This IS200BAIAH1BDC Bridge Application Interface Board or Bridge Application Interface PCB for short belongs to the Mark VI Turbine Control System Series, as named just above. The Mark VI Series that this IS200BAIAH1BDC device in specific belongs to, as you can probably deduce based off of its full extended original series name alone, actually possesses a specific set of possible functional applications restricted to the control and management systems of General Electric-compatible gas and steam turbine automated drive assemblies. This must be considered a complete functional upgrade upon the Mark V Turbine Control System Series of a similar extended series name that immediately preceded the Mark VI, as the mark V Series' possible functional applications exist in gas and steam-based automated assembly settings alone. The Mark VI Turbine Control System Series or the Mark VI Series for short that this IS200BAIAH1BDC product belongs to has to be separately considered an attractive GE Mark product series iteration given its status as one of the final-developed Mark product series to incorporate the patented Speedtronic control system technology into a range of its different offering, with this technology first being seen with the rollout of the initial Mark I Series way back in the late 1960s.
Hardware Tips and Specifications
The IS200BAIAH1BDC is a replacement PCB. This board can take signals that are coming from terminal boards, isolate them, and give them earth/ground reference. It can also turn digital input into analog outputs on the DSPX PCB. It also has an RS-232C I/O interface that goes from the DSPX board and the keypad and PC connections for the drive. The IS200BAIAH1BDC slides vertically into a control rack. It is very important to slide this card into the correct slot on the rack. Failure to do so will result in damage to the board. On the faceplate of the board, it states to slide this board into slot 1 only. There is an LED indicator directly below the top ejector tab. There are a total of two ejector tabs and two mounting screws on the faceplate. It is recommended that when installing this board to tighten the screws evenly to ensure that the board is in the card slots squarely. The IS200BAIAH1BDC is made up of many different components. It has an onboard EEPROM with all of its proper corresponding and GE-delegated factory-installed firmware. It also has 3 relays, over 50 integrated circuits, 6 transistors, 6 diodes, an inductor, two transformers, 5 jumpers, and a JTAG connector. There are also over a hundred resistors and capacitors on this board. There are two connection ports that slide into the card slots on the control rack. For more information about the installation and makeup of the IS200BAIAH1BDC, please refer to the GE datasheet GEI-100268A.
The totality of the IS200BAIAH1BDC replacement printed circuit board hardware component and component specification information stored above was sourced strictly from a diligent visual examination of the IS200BAIAH1BDC product itself, which was deemed as necessary given this IS200BAIAH1BDC product's lack of originally-printed instructional manual materials made available online for the purposes of this IS200BAIAH1BDC personalized product page here. With this lack being identifiable, this IS200BAIAH1BDC printed circuit board product's Mark VI Turbine Control System Series-identified IS200BAIAH1BDC functional product number alone can be singled up as a decent supplementary source of IS200BAIAH1BDC Board hardware component and component specification information, as it develops these details in a series of consecutive naming elements. For instance, this IS200BAIAH1BDC functional product number in specific makes use of the dual-functional IS200 series tag indirectly designating this IS200BAIAH1BDC device's normal Mark VI Series assembly and its domestic original manufacture location. Some of the other IS200BAIAH1BDC Board details developed in this manner include its:
- BAIA functional product abbreviation
- Conformal PCB coating style
- Group one Mark VI Series grouping
- Three-fold revision history