About the IS200DSPXH1ACA
The IS200DSPXH1ACA is a Digital Signal Processor Control Board designed as part of the GE Mark VI system. The Mark VI is a later Speedtronic system designed to manage industrial steam or gas turbine systems. Generally, this IS200DSPXH1ACA Digital Signal Processor Control Board product's greater Mark VI Turbine Control System Series, as it is called through its full extended Mark Series product title. exists with a specific set of possible functional applications in the control and management systems of popular and GE-compatible steam, gas, and wind turbine automated drive assemblies to be specific.
Hardware Tips and Specifications
The IS200DSPXH1ACA is used to control generator field control functions in EX2100 exciters. It can also be used in Innovation Series drives as a motor regulator or to control gating functions. The board is designed to perform custom logic functions using its standard memory components and digital signal processor. The digital signal processor on the board runs at 60 MHz. The IS200DSPXH1ACA includes onboard firmware. This is stored in flash memory. The firmware includes boot loader controls for power-up sequences, application code for the drive or exciter, and configuration parameters. Components on the IS200DSPXH1ACA include two LED indicators, seven plug connectors, several resistor network arrays, sixteen integrated circuits, as well as resistors, diodes, capacitors, and several transistors. The board is marked with codes to aid in the identification of components. A front faceplate is attached to the front edge that is marked with the board ID number and the GE logo. This is equipped with two clips that help secure the board into place within a rack system.
For additional information regarding proper handling, installation, or replacement of the IS200DSPXH1ACA, please refer to the documentation provided with your original purchase from GE, like manuals, data sheets, or user guides. AX Control may be able to provide duplicates of these publications with your order if your copies have been misplaced. Unfortunately enough for the sake of this IS200DSPXH1ACA Digital Signal Processor Control Board personalized product page here, this IS200DSPXH1ACA Digital Signal Processor Control Board product is truly not too well-contextualized online within very many original instructional manual materials, which means that its IS200DSPXH1ACA Digital Signal Processor Control Board functional product number needs to be embraced as a fine source of IS200DSPXH1ACA Digital Signal Processor Control Board hardware details. The IS200DSPXH1ACA Digital Signal Processor Control Board functional product number codes for many IS200DSPXH1ACA Digital Signal Processor Control Board qualities through a characteristic set of functional naming chunks. For instance, the IS200DSPXH1ACA Digital Signal Processor Control Board functional product number is started off through a typical inclusion of the dual-functional IS200 series tag indicating this DSPX product's normal Mark VI Series assembly and domestic original GE manufacture. Some of the other IS200DSPXH1ACA Digital Signal Processor Control Board qualities indicated in this way are its:
- DSPX functional product acronym
- Group one Mark VI Series grouping
- Conformal PCB coating style
- Three-fold revision table