About the IS200DSPXH1CAA
The IS200DSPXH1CAA is a circuit board (PCB) manufactured by GE as a component replacement part for their Speedtronic Mark VI system. The Mark VI is one of GE’s gas and steam turbine control systems, specifically that includes triple modular redundant control options with ethernet capabilities, proprietary software like CIMPLICITY, and a Windows-based operating system. The Mark VI Turbine Control System Series that this IS200DSPXH1CAA device belongs to has to be considered quite the significant functional upgrade upon the existing Mark V Turbine Control System Series of more or less the same full extended product series title, as the Mark VI Series, as it is known for short, was designed specifically to add the more alternative energy-guided wind turbine functional product acronym onto the gas and steam turbine-based rudimentary applications made available earlier on with the rollout of the Mark V.
Hardware Tips and Specifications
The IS200DSPXH1CAA functions within the Mark VI as a Digital Signal Processor Control Board. There are multiple versions of this board available; please be sure you are ordering the proper version for your particular system. The IS200DSPXH1CAA is designed for use within Innovation series drives as well as EX2100 exciters. The PCB’s digital signal processor runs at 60 MHz. An ASIC revision ID register readable by the DSP is typically provided with the board. This includes most of the board’s specialized and support functions. Onboard firmware is stored in flash memory. The IS200DSPXH1CAA is built with a right-angled backplane connector (P1.) It also has two connectors mounted into its front faceplate and an additional vertical pin connector located just behind these connectors. The board has two LED indicators mounted into the faceplate. There are sixteen integrated circuits, resistors, resistor network arrays, transistors, diodes, and capacitors. The board has been factory-drilled. If the board is listed as currently in-stock, we can typically have it shipped to you today if your order is placed by 3 pm. We ship globally using a variety of carriers. We cannot ship to any country under US Embargo. Please note that AX Control is also happy to offer a quote on your surplus merchandise or to give you a quote for repairing your current equipment. Talk to our team today for more information.
This IS200DSPXH1CAA printed circuit board product offering from General Electric is actually well-contextualized online within a wealth of readily-available Mark VI Turbine Control System Series instructional manual materials. This IS200DSPXH1CAA printed circuit board product offering, known functionally as a Digital Signal Processor Control Board, is actually not the originally-developed device of its specific GE Mark VI Turbine Control System Series functional product role, as that would have to be deemed the IS200DSPXH1 parent product notably not utilizing this IS200DSPXH1CAA board's three-fold extended revision table. This IS200DSPXH1CAA device, for example, is contextualized within manual materials as existing with a set of basic performance specifications detailing a number of important IS200DSPXH1CAA device qualities. Some of these specific qualities include this DSPX-abbreviated IS200DSPXH1CAA printed circuit board's:
- Stack overflow (INT0), inner loop load pulse (INT1), and two configurable (INT2, INT3) external interrupts
- The FLASH for DSP boot images, code execution, and configurable item
storage, RAM for data storage and code execution, NVRAM for nonvolatile data storage, and the Add-only memory for board revision identification memory types