About the IS200GDDDG1A
The IS200GDDDG1A is a component-dense circuit board. It is used as a Gate Driver/Dynamic Discharge board. The board is responsible for controlling the gating of IGBTs for Dynamic Discharge control and for bridge output. The board is used to isolate and to scale DC output and link voltage and to shunt heat sink temperature feedbacks.
The IS200GDDDG1A includes two trim potentiometers marked RV1 and RV2. It has six resistor network arrays. The board has three jumper switches marked JP1-JP3. Additionally, more information is printed on the board’s surface about these components with a note to also refer to the instruction book for more details.
The IS200GDDDG1A has two male mating connectors, one that has twenty pins and the other forty pins. There are eight header connectors, one voltage regulator, eight transistors, and three LED indicators. The LEDs are marked DS100, DS101, and DS102. The board also has diodes and over thirty integrated circuits. Some of these are mounted vertically.
For more information regarding the installation or use of the IS200GDDDG1A, please refer to user guides or manuals from General Electric, including GEI-100240. These publications will also provide important handling and safety information.