About the IS200ISBAH1A
he IS200ISBAH1A is a GE ISBus Daughter Board for the Innovation Series of drives. This series of parts have been discontinued by GE and may be difficult to locate. AX Control, however, does try to keep the IS200ISBAH1A in stock as a refurbished or new surplus part. Please contact us directly for the availability, pricing, and shipping options for this small board. This IS200ISBAH1A PC104 InSync ISBus Board printed circuit board product offering's greater Mark VI Turbine Control System Series is a massive functional upgrade upon the previous industry standard of a similar full extended series title in the Mark V Turbine Control System Series, as the Mark VI Series was specifically developed to add the alternative energy-based wind turbine possible application to the rudimentary gas and steam turbine functional product environments made possible earlier on with the rollout of the Mark V.
Hardware Tips and Specifications
The IS200ISBAH1A is a replacement board for a PCB that comes attached to an IS215ACLIH1A (ACLI) Application Control Layer Module. This small board comes with a total of two ISBus communication channels. The ports on the ACLI are labeled INSYNC A and INSYNC B. Each of these channels has two status LEDs, one green online indicator and one yellow REC indicator. These will glow when the ACLI is online and receiving signals through the network. The small IS200ISBAH1A board is located just above the Transition Board that is equipped with a PC/104 and header port. On the IS200ISBAH1A, there are a total of 17 integrated circuits (including 2 larger processors), a PC/104 port, a Header Port, three stab jumpers, a P1 pin connector, 10 capacitors, 30 resistors. There are two plastic extenders on the bottom of the board that separates the PCBs. This IS200ISBAH1A PC104 InSync ISBus Board printed circuit board product offering from General Electric's lauded Mark VI Turbine Control System Series is actually not considered by industry experts to exist as the originally-developed Mark VI Series product of its intended functionality; that would be the IS200ISBAH1 Parent PC104 InSync ISBus Board notably not utilizing this IS200ISBAH1A PC104 InSync ISBus Board product's sole A-rated functional product revision.
For more information about the IS200ISBAH1A and how it connects to the ACLI module, please refer to the GE datasheet GEI-100434A. Because of the delicate circuitry on this board, it is important to remember to maintain anti-static procedures while installing the IS200ISBAH1A. Failure to do so could cause a build-up of static electricity which could short out the board. As should have been indicated above, this IS200ISBAH1A PC104 InSync ISBus Board printed circuit board product offering's A-rated revision was only revealed upon a diligent visual inspection of the IS200ISBAH1A PC104 InSync ISBus Board functional product number itself, as inspired by this IS200ISBAH1A PC104 InSync ISBus Board device's overt lack of originally-printed instructional manual materials. The IS200ISBAH1A PC104 InSync ISBus Board functional product number codes for a number of IS200ISBAH1A PC104 InSync ISBus Board device hardware details through a series of consecutive functional naming chunks. For instance, this IS200ISBAH1A PC104 InSync ISBus Board product number begins with the dual-functional IS200 series tag indicating both this IS200ISBAH1A PC104 InSync ISBus Board device's normal Mark VI Series assembly as well as its domestic original GE manufacture location. Some of the other IS200ISBAH1A PC104 InSync ISBus Board qualities indicated like this include its:
- ISBA functional product abbreviation
- Conformal PCB coating style
- Group one Mark VI Series grouping
- A-rated functional revision