About the IS200TRPAS1AFD
The IS200TRPAS1AFD is a circuit board used within the Mark VI GE Speedtronic system for the management of gas and steam turbines. This is one of many systems released by GE between 1969 and the early 2000s under the Speedtronic name.
Hardware Tips and Specifications
The IS200TRPAS1AFD functions within the MKVI as a primary trip board. It sits within the Turbine Specific Primary Input/Output pack (PTUR/1A or PTUR/1B). The IS200TRPAS1AFD is a t-type board with two black terminal blocks connected to its surface. Each of these has 24 connection points (screw connections). Each connection on the terminal block can connect up to 2 (3 mm) wires using 300 V insulation. Terminal blocks are rated 10A 300V. The IS200TRPAS1AFD is factory drilled at multiple points. This includes two reinforced holes on two corners and a single small hole located near two larger factory drilled holes. The board is populated by six RS-232 connectors along with various capacitors, resistors, metal oxide varistors, and integrated circuits; all highlights of a voltage suppression and regulation strategy that has been standardized to the rest of this IS200TRPAS1AFD Primary Trip Board's Mark VI Turbine Control System Series, as it is known in full series title. It is also marked with the GE logo, with a barcode, and with several different codes to guide the user. Mounted components are also marked with reference designators for simple identification.
Additional information about the IS200TRPAS1AFD, including detailed information regarding its maintenance and installation, may be found via GE manuals, datasheets, or user guides. These publications typically shipped with your OEM purchase. If you cannot locate these items at the present time, AX Control may be able to provide you with duplicate copies along with your completed order. We ship Monday through Friday. In-stock orders received before 3 pm typically ship out the same day. Unfortunately enough, due to the Mark VI Series' legacy product series stature, it is not followed online by many original instructional manual materials, which is where the IS200TRPAS1AFD functional product number itself comes into play. For example, this IS200TRPAS1AFD Primary Trip Board device's IS200TRPAS1AFD Primary Trip Board functional product number is started off through an inclusion of the dual-functional IS200 series tag that is indirectly responsible for delegating both this IS200TRPAS1AFD Primary Trip Board circuit board's normal Mark VI Series assembly on top of its domestic original location of General Electric manufacture. Some of the other IS200TRPAS1AFD Primary Trip Board qualities indicated through this medium are its:
- TRPA functional product acronym
- Group one Mark VI Series grouping
- Special PCB protection strategy
- Three-fold revision table