About the IS200UCVDH1A
The IS200UCVDH1A was manufactured by General Electric. It is part of the company’s Mark VI turbine control system. The board functions as an input controller. The Mark VI Speedtronic system was designed to manage, control, and protect gas and steam industrial turbine systems. This IS200UCVDH1A Input Controller Board product's greater Mark VI Turbine Control System Series, as it is known in general through its full extended GE product series title, exists with only a series of specifically-possible functional product applications in the control and management systems of General Electric-compatible gas, steam, and wind turbine automated drive assemblies. This has to be considered a significant functionality-minded improvement on the Mark V Turbine Control System Series of just about the same name that immediately preceded it, as the Mark VI Series tacked the alternative energy-minded wind turbine possible functional application onto the gas and steam turbine applications seen earlier on with the rollout of the Mark V Series.
Hardware Tips and Specifications
The IS200UCVDH1A has an AMD-K6 processor. The processor has 8 MB of flash memory. It runs at 300 MHz. The board uses a QNX OS, which is a real-time UNIX operating system. The controller runs turbine application code. The three communication ports on its front faceplate easily link to engineering and operator interfaces like UDH ethernet, and RS-232C. Ethernet connectors allow communication with HMIs and similar control equipment. The COM ports (2) allow for setup and for communication with distributed control systems. The IS200UCVDH1A uses control block language. This has analog and discrete blocks. Such a language supports several data types, including Boolean logic, 16-bit/32-bit signed integer, and 32-bit/64-bit floating-point. The faceplate of the IS200UCVDH1A is marked with the company’s logo along with the board’s ID information. It includes a reset button and also has four sets of LED indicators; these indicators correspond to each connection point on the faceplate. This IS200UCVDH1A Input Controller Board device is actually not the originally-developed device of its specific GE Mark VI Series functional product role; that would be the IS200UCVDH1 Parent Input Controller Board notably not utilizing this IS200UCVDH1A Input Controller Board device's sole A-rated functional product revision.
Use original General Electric manuals for more information about the IS200UCVDH1A, including specifics about handling, installation, and maintenance. While such documentation would have arrived with your original purchase, we are happy to help with replacements if such things have been lost over time. Let our team know when you place your order if you need any corresponding documentation. This IS200UCVDH1A Input Controller Board device's unique revision history mentioned above was only retrievable upon a diligent breakdown of the IS200UCVDH1A Input Controller Board functional product number itself, as inspired by a noted lack of online-available IS200UCVDH1A Input Controller Board instructional manual materials for this IS200UCVDH1A Input Controller Board page's research purposes. This IS200UCVDH1A Input Controller Board functional product number codes for a number of relevant IS200UCVDH1A Input Controller Board device qualities through a series of consecutive functional naming elements. For instance, this IS200UCVDH1A Input Controller Board product's IS200UCVDH1A Input Controller Board functional product number is telling of this IS200UCVDH1A Input Controller Board's normal Mark VI Series assembly and its domestic original GE manufacture location, based off of the initial dual-functional IS200 series tag alone. Some of the other critical IS200UCVDH1A Input Controller Board qualities revealed in this fashion are its:
- UCVD functional product acronym
- Group one Mark VI Series grouping
- Conformal PCB coating style
- A-rated functional revision