About the IS200VTCCH1CBB
This IS200VTCCH1CBB printed circuit board product offering from General Electric was originally designed and produced specifically for placement in the Mark VI Turbine Control System Series, as asserted in this IS200VTCCH1CBB Thermocouple Terminal Board product's originally-available instructional manual materials. The Mark VI Turbine Control System Series that this IS200VTCCH1CBB Thermocouple Terminal Board product belongs to, as you were more than likely able to deduce solely based off of its full extended series name, specifically pertains to the control systems and management systems of General Electric-compatible gas, steam, and wind turbine automated drive assemblies. This intended functional application range is actually seen as quite the upgrade upon the Mark V Turbine Control System Series of the same name that came right before it, as the Mark V Series exists with a more restricted set of functional setting applications in steam and gas turbine control systems alone. With this being the case, this IS200VTCCH1CBB Thermocouple Terminal Board's greater Mark VI Series is separately an attractive GE product series on the greater automated industrial marketplace given its status as one of the final-developed GE Mark product series to incorporate the patented Speedtronic control system technology into a range of differing products.
Hardware Tips and Specifications
Model number IS200VTCCH1CBB is one of the Mark VI boards produced by General Electric. This model is designated as a thermocouple input and can accept up to twenty-four thermocouple inputs. The inputs on this model can be wired to either the DTTC or TBTC terminal boards. The TBTC terminal board is the associated terminal board, while the DTTC board is the DIN Euro-size terminal board. Depending on the TBTC model used with the VTCC model, it can be used in two different groups. The TBTCH1C model allows for simplex control, while the TBTCH1B model allows for triple modular redundant (TMR) control. There are also two groups of the VTCC models; the IS200VTCCH1CBB model is part of the first group, which indicates that the model can be used with gas turbine control applications. No matter which group the VTCC model is used in, the same terminal boards will be used. Given this IS200VTCCH1CBB Thermocouple Terminal Board product's attribution to the Mark VI Series, it is not surrounded by many instructional manual materials online. With this being the case, the IS200VTCCH1CBB Thermocouple Terminal Board's IS200VTCCH1CBB functional product number itself can be leveraged as a decently-strong source of IS200VTCCH1CBB Board hardware component and component specification information, as it codes for numerous relevant IS200VTCCH1CBB Board details through its characteristic selection of functional naming elements. For instance, the IS200VTCCH1CBB functional product number begins with an iteration of the dual-functional IS200 series tag delegating this IS200VTCCH1CBB product's normal Mark VI Series assembly on top of its domestic original manufacture location. Some of the other relevant hardware specifications revealed in this manner include this IS200VTCCH1CBB product's:
- VTCC functional product acronym
- Group one Mark VI Series product grouping
- Conformal PCB coating style
- Three-fold revision history
When the IS200VTCCH1CBB model is accepting thermocouple inputs, the types of inputs supported on the VTCCH1 model are E, J, K, S, and T thermocouples and mV inputs. The span of mV allowed on the VTCC model is -8 mV to +45 mV. The thermocouple inputs used with this model can be grounded or ungrounded and can be located up to nine-hundred and eighty-four feet from the associated turbine control cabinet. There are two cold junctions and high-frequency noise suppression devices mounted on the terminal board. When the IS200VTCCH1CBB model is operated in a TMR system, if one of the signals on the device varies from the median/voted value by more than the predetermined limit, then the signal will be identified and cause a fault. For more information on fault indication and available diagnostic checks on the VTCC model, refer to GE Manual GEH-6421.