About the IS215VPROH1BH
This IS215VPROH1BH printed circuit board was originally manufactured by GE Industrial Systems, as a product offering placed in their Mark VI Speedtronic Series of turbine control systems and turbine control system component parts. This printed circuit board or PCB for short is actually better-classifiable by its functional description as a Turbine Protection Module, and really exists as a modified version of the preexisting IS215VPROH1 GE Industrial Systems circuit board; adding two functional revisions rated at "B" and "H" specifically. In addition to this product's unique two-fold revision history, it remains important to notice this product's special assembly version, marked by the inclusion of the special "IS215" series tag in its individualized Mark VI Speedtronic Series product number.
Hardware Tips and Specifications
To fully contextualize all of the hardware choices and specifications employed in the special assembly of this IS215VPROH1BH model, it is important to first consider its intended functionality within its greater Mark VI Speedtronic Series drive assembly. This product provides the greater Mark VI assembly's <P> protection module with the emergency trip function, a crucial diagnostic protection. When encountered with an emergency trip signal, this IS215VPROH1BH Turbine Protection Module provides the actual emergency stop function as necessary. In addition to its crucial diagnostic applications, the IS215VPROH1BH PCB is solely responsible for the control of the Mark VI Series TREG board; controlling all twelve of this board's available relays. According to this IS215VPROH1BH printed circuit board modular assembly product offering's above-inserted instructional manual materials provided above in our manuals tab for your convenience of research, this IS215VPROH1BH device's numerous terminal blocks can be plugged and unplugged from the base printed circuit board of this IS215VPROH1BH product for both customization and maintenance purposes.
Now that some of the intended functionality of this VPRO-abbreviated board has been explored, it is possible to contextualize some of its hardware choices. For starters, an immediately-noticeable hardware component included in this PCB's assembly is its series of seven viable ports, each of which possesses its own labeled reference designator. In addition to the various ports available on this IS215VPROH1BH Turbine Protection Module's base board, a series of fourteen LED lights exist, crucial to the identification of the board's various diagnostic processes. These LED lights include the standard RUN, FAIL, and STAT LED indicators present in many Mark VI Series assemblies. The VPRO Module featured here is classified as a special assembly module, as it incorporates two total TREG option boards into its assembly, to supply the VPRO assembly with six total crucial trip solenoids. Each of these trip solenoids is voltage rated at 125 V dc, or 24 V dc for alternate trip solenoids. All of the aforementioned hardware components should be well-protected beneath this model's conformal style of printed circuit board protection; standard to many similar Mark VI Speedtronic Series product offerings.