About the IS215VPROH2BC
The IS215VPROH2BC model was designed to work as both a turbine emergency trip and a turbine protection board. It is primarily used as the input/output processor board for the TPRO and TREG boards. The TREG board is the model used when the VPRO is interfacing with the turbine emergency trip board. The TPRO model is used with the VPRO in a turbine protection application.
The I/O signal types when the VPRO model is being used with a TREG board are, economizing relays, emergency stop inputs, trip interlock inputs, and trip solenoid drivers. There are also a set number of I/Os per processor. For example, there are seven trip interlock inputs with three trip solenoid drivers per available TREG board. Please note that when the IS215VPROH2BC model is operating as a turbine emergency trip processor board it also has the ability to connect to the TPRO terminal board through an Ethernet cable.
When the IS215VPROH2BC board is being used in a protection module application the primary purpose is to ensure that the chosen turbine does not experience any type of overspeed. A vital note needed when operating this model is that it will always be triple redundant and will have three totally separate and independent sections which will be named X, Y, and Z. The model has the capability to shut down one of the sections while the turbine is running without potentially compromising the protection system.
Please note that the VPRO board will have its own onboard power supply that will generate between five and twenty-eight volts of direct current from the one-hundred twenty-five volts of direct current which will be taken from the cabinet PDM.