About the IS230TRLSH1
The IS230TRLSH1 is a General Electric board component designed for use within the company’s industrial turbine control system, the Mark VI Turbine Control System Series as it was fittingly named. This Speedtronic system was one of the final turbine control systems offered under the Speedtronic name. It was one of the most complex versions of this system, offering a number of different components that allowed the user to create a system designed specifically for their needs. This IS230TRLSH1 printed circuit board product offering's greater Mark VI Series is revered on the greater figurative automated industrial promotional community given its status as a massive upgrade upon General Electric's Mark IV and Mark V Turbine Control System Series of the same name, as these specific series have more restricted possible functional applications in gas and steam turbine automated drive assemblies. This IS230TRLSH1 product is protected by a conformal style of PCB coating, and is not edited at all from its original status.
Hardware Tips and Specifications
The IS230TRLSH1 board is mounted on a DIN rail. The unit itself is populated by a number of connecting components like vertical pin connectors and terminal strips. Additionally, the board has plug connectors for vertical connections. Other board components include several MOVs (metal oxide varistors) along with transformers, transistors, and relays. The board is primarily populated by surface-mounted components. The DIN rail on which the board sits has flanges that face both downward and upward. The unit is factory-drilled along several edges. The board has been mounted to the DIN-rail using screw mounts added to factory-drilled corner holes. The board is marked with reference designators to help identify the individual components, and also carries codes that will aid in the placement and wiring of the board. Please refer to the board’s datasheet for additional information regarding wiring. For the most part, any relevant capacitor, resistor, transistor, diode, or even integrated circuit that can be located within the special modular assembly version of this IS230TRLSH1 I/O Module product offering here should be regarded as a component part of a greater voltage regulation strategy standardized to the rest of this IS230TRLSH1 I/O Module product's greater Mark VI Turbine Control System Series. This IS230TRLSH1 I/O Module is the originally-developed product of its specific Mark VI Series functionality.
For even more information, please refer back to Mark VI manuals or user guides. These products were provided by the OEM when you first purchased your components. However, if you now require replacement copies, AX Control can help. Just let our team know when you contact us with your purchase order. With this being said, many of this IS230TRLSH1 I/O Module product offering's original General Electric-devised instructional documentation have been completely scrubbed from the internet given the Mark VI Series' status as a frequently copyright infringed-upon style of Mark Series product collection. With this being the case, this IS230TRLSH1 I/O Module's IS230TRLSH1 functional product number alone stands to serve as a decent source of IS230TRLSH1 Board hardware component and component specification detail, as it reveals a number of these significant qualities through a set of consecutive functional naming elements. For example, this IS230TRLSH1 functional product number is started off with the dual-functioning IS230 series tag indirectly identifying this IS230TRLSH1 device's special modular Mark VI Series assembly version on top of its domestic original manufacture location. Some of the other specification revealed in this manner include the IS230TRLSH1 product's TRLS functional product abbreviation on top of its conformal PCB coating style and group one Mark VI Series product grouping.