Mark VIe & Mark VIeS Control Systems

The General Electric Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Stand-Alone Control System is a flexible controller platform that facilitates processes via single board processor with scalable power. It incorporates built-in power supplies and runs using the ControlST Software Suite designed for functions including configuration, operation, and maintenance. The Mark VIe and VIeS systems give users the ability to connect with basic process control systems while also being scalable and having a common configuration. In other words, they allow for more efficient safety procedures that are less costly overall. Browse our extensive inventory of replacement parts and call today.
The General Electric Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Stand-Alone Control System is a flexible controller platform that facilitates processes via single board processor with scalable power. It incorporates built-in power supplies and runs using the ControlST Software Suite designed for functions including configuration, operation, and maintenance. The Mark VIe and VIeS systems give users the ability to connect with basic process control systems while also being scalable and having a common configuration. In other words, they allow for more efficient safety procedures that are less costly overall. Browse our extensive inventory of replacement parts and call today.
Part Number | Description | Manuals | Stock Level |
IS200BCAAH1A | GE Energy Mark VIe Speedtronic IS200BCAAH1A Analog Current Acquisition Board | In Stock Ships Today | |
IS200BCAAH1ABA | GE Industrial Systems Mark VIe Turbine Control System Series IS200BCAAH1ABA CA Base Card A | In Stock Ships Today | |
IS200HSLAH1ADE | GE Energy Mark VIe Series IS200HSLAH1ADE HS Serial Link Interface Assembly | In Stock Ships 3-5 Days | |
IS200JPDAG1ABB | GE Energy Mark VIe Speedtronic IS200JPDAG1ABB AC PDM Assembly | In Stock Ships Today | |
IS200JPDDG1AAA | GE Energy Mark VIe Series IS200JPDDG1AAA DC PDM Module | In Stock Ships Today | |
IS200JPDEG1A | GE Energy Mark VIe Series IS200JPDEG1A Dc Battery Distribution Board | In Stock Ships Today | |
IS200JPDVG1AAA | General Electric Mark V Series IS200JPDVG1AAA Power Distribution Board | In Stock Ships Today | |
IS200MVRAH2AFC | GE Energy Mark VIe Wind Turbine Control IS200MVRAH2AFC Mark VIe Interface Board | In Stock Ships Today | |
IS200SCLTH1A | GE Energy Mark VIe Series IS200SCLTH1A Core Analog Terminal Board | In Stock Ships 5-7 Days | |
IS200SHRAH2A | GE Energy Mark VIe Series IS200SHRAH2A HART Enabled Analog Input/Output Board | In Stock Ships Today | |
IS200SHRAS2A | GE Energy Mark VIe Series IS200SHRAS2A HART Enabled Analog Input/Output Board | In Stock Ships 5-7 Days | |
IS200SPROS1A | General Electric Mark VIe Series IS200SPROS1A Terminal Board | In Stock Ships 5-7 Days | |
IS200STAIH2ABA | GE Energy Mark VIe IS200STAIH2ABA Din-rail Simplex Terminal Analog Input | In Stock Ships Today | |
IS200TBAIS1C | General Electric Mark VIeS Series IS200TBAIS1C Analog Input/Output Terminal Board | In Stock Ships 5-7 Days | |
IS200TBCIH2BBC | GE Energy Mark VIe Series IS200TBCIH2BBC Contact Input Terminal Board | In Stock Ships Today | |
IS200TDBTH4A | GE Energy Mark VIe IS200TDBTH4A Input/Output Terminal Board | In Stock Ships Today | |
IS200TREGH5B | GE Industrial Systems Mark VIe Gas Turbine Emergency Trip Terminal Board | In Stock Ships Today | |
IS200TTURH1CFD | GE Energy Mark VIe Series IS200TTURH1CFD Terminal Turbine Board | In Stock Ships 3-5 Days | |
IS200TVBAH2A | GE Energy Mark VIe Speedtronic IS200TVBAH2A Vibration Input Terminal Board | In Stock Ships Today | |
IS200WEORG1A | GE Energy Mark VIe IS200WEORG1A printed circuit board | In Stock Ships Today | |
IS200WEORG1ACD | GE Energy Mark VIe Turbine Control System Series IS200WEORG1ACD GE Printed Circuit Board | In Stock Ships Today | |
IS200WROBH1AAA | IS200WROBH1AAA SRLY Option Board-B | In Stock Ships Today | |
IS200WROBH1ABA | GE Energy Mark VIe Series IS200WROBH1ABA SRLY Option Board-B | In Stock Ships Today | |
IS210DSVOH1B | GE Energy Mark VIe Speedtronic IS210DSVOH1B Compact Servo Terminal Board | In Stock Ships Today | |
IS210DSVOH1BA | GE Energy Mark VIe Turbine Control System Series IS210DSOVH1BA DIN-rail Mounted Servo Terminal Board | In Stock Ships Today | |
IS210DTTCH1A | GE Industrial Systems Mark VI Speedtronic Series IS210DTTCH1A compact terminal board | In Stock Ships Today | |
IS210WSVOH1A | GE Energy Mark VIe Series IS210WSVOH1A Servo Driver Board | In Stock Ships 5-7 Days | |
IS215PCMIH1AA | GE Industrial Systems Mark VIe IS215PCMIH1AA PCMI Control Master Interface | In Stock Ships Today | |
IS215UCCAE03 | GE Energy Mark VIe IS215UCCAE03 Controller Compute Engine | In Stock Ships Today | |
IS215UCCAE03A | GE Industrial Systems Mark VIe Turbine Control System Series IS215UCCAE03A UCCA Module Assembly | In Stock Ships Today | |
IS215UCCAH3 | GE Energy Mark VIe Speedtronic IS215UCCAH3 Controller Compute Engine | In Stock Ships Today | |
IS215UCCAM03 | GE Energy Mark VIe IS215UCCAM03 Compute Engine Module Assembly | In Stock Ships Today | |
IS215WEMAH1B | GE Energy Mark VIe Speedtronic IS215WEMAH1B Wind Energy Main Converter Control | In Stock Ships Today | |
IS215WEMAH1BB | GE Industrial Systems Mark VIe Turbine Control System Series IS215WEMAH1BB Wind Energy Main Assembly | In Stock Ships Today | |
IS215WEPAH2B | GE Energy Mark VIe Speedtronic IS215WEPAH2B Wind Energy Pitch Axis | In Stock Ships Today | |
IS220PPDAH1A | IS220PPDAH1A Power Distribution System Feedback Unit | Call for Availability | |
IS220PPDAH1B | IS220PPDAH1B Power Distribution Feedback Module | In Stock Ships Today | |
IS220PPDAH1BE | GE Energy Mark VIe Series IS220PPDAH1BE PDM Diagonal BPPC Based I/O Pack | In Stock Ships Today | |
IS220PSCAH1A | General Electric Serial Modbus Communication Interface Pack IS220PSCAH1A is an I/O pack that has six configurable serial channels which support several ports. The ports that are used with the IS220PSCAH1A pack are the RS422, RS485 half-duplex, and RS232 ports. | In Stock Ships 3-5 Days | |
IS220PTURH1AC | GE Energy Mark VIe Series IS220PTURH1AC Primary Turbine I/O Pack | In Stock Ships Today | |
IS220PTURH1B | IS220PTURH1B Turbine-Specific Primary I/O Trip Pack | In Stock Ships Today | |
IS220YDOAS1A | Pack IS220YDOAS1A from GE Industrial is used to help provide electrical interfaces for a discrete output terminal board and up to two I/O Ethernet networks. This pack features a processor board as well as an acquisition board which is also used for discrete output functions. | In Stock Ships Today | |
IS220YSILS1B | Core Safety Protection I/O pack | In Stock Ships 3-5 Days | |
IS420CCGAH2A | IS420CCGAH2A Control Communication Gateway Module | In Stock Ships Today | |
IS420ESWAH1A | IS420ESWAH1A IONET Switch Module | In Stock Ships 3-5 Days | |
IS420ESWAH2A | IS420ESWAH2A Industrial Ethernet/IONet Switch | In Stock Ships Today | |
IS420ESWAH3A | IS420ESWAH3A Industrial Ethernet Switch | In Stock Ships Today | |
IS420ESWAH4A | IS420ESWAH4A IONet Switch | Call for Availability | |
IS420ESWAH5A | IS420ESWAH5A IONet Switch | Call for Availability | |
IS420ESWBH1A | IS420ESWBH1A IONet Switch Module | In Stock Ships Today | |
IS420ESWBH2A | IS420ESWBH2A Industrial Ethernet Switch | In Stock Ships 3-5 Days | |
IS420ESWBH3A | IS420ESWBH3A IONET Switch Module | In Stock Ships Today | |
IS420ESWBH4A | IS420ESWBH4A IONet Switch | Call for Availability | |
IS420ESWBH5A | IS420ESWBH5A Industrial Ethernet Switch | Call for Availability | |
IS420PFFAH1A | The Energy Foundation Fieldbus Gateway Model IS420PFFAH1A was designed by General Electric as part of the Mark VIe/VIeS System. This model is a linking device. The IS420PFFAH1A part can accept built and downloaded parameters. | Call for Availability | |
IS420PPNGH1A | The IS420PPNGH1A model is a Profinet Gateway Model designed by General Electric to be used within the Mark VIe/VIeS System. The processor used is a 1066 MHz EP80579 Intel. The IS420PPNGH1A model can be mounted with a UCSC controller which will allow for different communications. | Call for Availability | |
IS420PSCAH1B | IS420PSCAH1B Serial Communication I/O Pack | Call for Availability | |
IS420PUAAH1A | The IS420PUAAH1A module is a Universal Input-Output Module designed by General Electric for the Mark VIe series. This model has sixteen configurable channels. The IS420PUAAH1A module was designed to be used with ControlST V 7.02.00C applications or later. | Call for Availability | |
IS420UCECH1B | IS420UCECH1B Port Expansion/Controller Module | In Stock Ships Today | |
IS420UCPAH1A | Controller Platform with Integral I/O Model IS420UCPAH1A produced by General Electric has two hall effects pulse inputs, two analog inputs, and four DIOs. This model uses several LED colors to indicate a variety of different functions on the model. | Call for Availability | |
IS420UCPAH2A | IS420UCPAH2A Integral I/O Controller Module | Call for Availability | |
IS420UCSBH1A | General Electric's Mark VIe Controller IS420UCSBH1A is similar to the UCSC Controller and all of the same general information can be applied to the UCSB model. The IS420UCSBH1A model is typically a compact stand-alone controller used to help with controller logic. | Call for Availability | |
IS420UCSBH3A | IS420UCSBH3A Controller Module | In Stock Ships 3-5 Days | |
IS420UCSBH4A | Controller IS420UCSBH4A was designed by General Electric for the Mark VIe series to be used in high-speed applications, with a 1066 MHz EP80579 Intel Processor. This controller can be used in EX2100e and LS2100e applications along with the Mark VIe series. | In Stock Ships Today | |
IS420UCSBS1A | IS420UCSBS1A Safety Controller Board | In Stock Ships 3-5 Days | |
IS420UCSCH1A | General Electric's Mark VIe Controller IS420UCSCH1A is designed as one of the compact stand-alone units that can be used with the QNX Neutrino operating system. This controller can be used with IONet applications and can control several other I/O packs and controllers. | Call for Availability | |
IS420UCSCH1B | IS420UCSCH1B Quad Core Controller Module | In Stock Ships Today | |
IS420UCSCH1C | General Electric Quad Core Mark VIe Controller IS420UCSCH1C is one of three UCSC controllers that have 4 GB DDR3-1333 SDRAM memory with six Ethernet ports. This controller supports embedded PPNG, EFA, and embedded EtherCAT functionalities. | Call for Availability | |
IS420UCSCH2A | IS420UCSCH2A Controller Board | In Stock Ships 3-5 Days | |
IS420UCSCH2B | IS420UCSCH2B MarkStat Controller | Call for Availability | |
IS420UCSCH2C | IS420UCSCH2C MarkStat Controller | Call for Availability | |
IS420UCSCS2 | IS420UCSCS2 Mark VIeS Safety Controller | Call for Availability | |
IS420UCSDH1A | Mark VIe Quad Core Controller IS420UCSDH1A has a 1.6 GHz AMD V1000-Series processor with a maximum ADC current of 1.1. This unit is similar to the UCSC model. The IS420UCSDH1A controller can be used in simplex, dual, or TMR redundant applications. | Call for Availability | |
IS420UCSDS1 | IS420UCSDS1 Mark VIe Controller | Call for Availability | |
IS420YAICS1B | IS420YAICS1B Analog I/O Pack | In Stock Ships 3-5 Days | |
IS420YDIAS1B | IS420YDIAS1B Discrete Input I/O Pack | In Stock Ships 3-5 Days | |
IS420YDOAS1B | IS420YDOAS1B Discrete Output I/O Pack | In Stock Ships Today | |
IS421UCSBH1A | IS421UCSBH1A Mark VIe Controller | Call for Availability | |
IS421UCSBH4A | IS421UCSBH4A Mark VIe Controller | Call for Availability | |
IS421UCSBS1A | IS421UCSBS1A Mark VIeS Safety Controller | Call for Availability |