About the IS420UCSDS1
This IS420UCSDS1 Mark VIe Controller product offering was originally manufactured for the esteemed General Electric retailer's specific Mark VIe Turbine Control System Series, although for the purposes of our website's classification, it would be identified as the Mark VIe & VIeS Turbine Control Systems Series. This IS420UCSDS1 Mark VIe Controller device's greater Mark VIe Series is typically comprised of a series of printed circuit board or PCB components, although this specific IS420UCSDS1 Mark VIe Controller product offering here is better-classified as a special modular assembly product given its IS420UCSDS1 Mark VIe Controller functional product number's initial assertion. This IS420UCSDS1 Mark VIe Controller device is available here to both repair and replace as of right now.
Hardware Tips and Specifications
This IS420UCSDS1 Mark VIe Controller device is really not followed online by too many originally-printed and relevant Mark VIe or Mark VIeS Series instructional manual materials, as its greater series is likely not in active production any longer. With this being the case, some of this IS420UCSDS1 Mark VIe Controller device's more general Mark VIe Series materials can fill this void, as the IS420UCSDS1 Mark VIe Controller device falls under that figurative product umbrella. For instance, this IS420UCSDS1 Mark VIe Controller device exhibits the typical mark VIe Series hardware hallmark of a mounting strategy specifically catered to a CPI enclosure. Given this IS420UCSDS1 Mark VIe Controller device's mounting in such an enclosure, it can be assumed that this IS420UCSDS1 Mark VIe Controller product offering has been approved for usage in some of the most extreme hazardous locations. Because of this, this IS420UCSDS1 Mark VIe Controller product is often falsely attributed to the HazLoc product series from GE. Some other IS420UCSDS1 Mark VIe Controller device details indicated in general instructional documentation are its:
- Five total communication ports
- RS-232C connection port
- Ethernet connections for several named networks
This IS420UCSDS1 Mark VIe Controller product's RS-232C connection port, as with any GE Mark Series product, was included in this IS420UCSDS1 Mark VIe Controller device's modular style of product assembly with the explicit intention of aiding in basic communications. This IS420UCSDS1 Mark VIe Controller device's IS420UCSDS1 Mark VIe Controller functional product number was designed by GE to illustrate a number of critical IS420UCSDS1 Mark VIe Controller device hardware qualities through a series of functional naming chunks. For starters, the IS420UCSDS1 Mark VIe Controller product number begins with an iteration of the dual-functional IS420 series tag indicating both this IS420UCSDS1 Mark VIe Controller device's special modular Mark VIe Series assembly as well as its domestic original GE manufacture. Some other important IS420UCSDS1 Mark VIe Controller hardware details told in this way are its UCSD functional abbreviation, its special PCB coating style, and its group one Mark VIe Series grouping.