About the IS210AEBIH2B
This IS210AEBIH2B printed circuit board was originally manufactured by GE Energy, a shell company of the respected Automated Industrial industry giant General Electric. The GE Energy company was created with the express purpose of supplying General Electric's alternative energy focused product manufacturing. It makes sense that this IS210AEBIH2B board was manufactured by GE Energy, given its allegiance to the Mark VIe Series of wind turbine control systems. Considering this product's specialized placement within the Mark VIe Series, it is no real surprise that this printed circuit board does not offer a plethora of related original instructional manual materials online, or that its general market availability can only be classified as limited at best. Given these factors, any content detailing the IS210AEBIH2B printed circuit board provided on this product page has been primarily sourced from a breakdown of the individualized, functional IS210AEBIH2B product number.
Hardware Tips and Specifications
While, as mentioned above, not a whole lot of informational material detailing this IS210AEBIH2B board specifically is retrievable from internet research, some fringe Mark VIe Wind Turbine Control Systems Series materials detailing other Mark VIe offerings or the Mark VIe series as a whole offer valuable insights into this product's functionality, as they offer its functional description as an Alternative Energy Bridge Interface. This functional description handily matches up with this product's AEBI functional acronym, which is stored in the center of the functional IS210AEBIH2B product number. Existing just before this AEBI functional acronym in the IS210AEBIH2B product number is the IS210 series tag, which has dual naming functionality for this specific Mark VIe PCB. This IS210 series tag identifies the IS210AEBIH2B board as a domestically manufactured model PCB with a special assembly version; most likely a special assembly that includes the use of a SCOM grounding output terminal, as other similarly-labeled General Electric Mark VIe Wind Turbine Control System Series products tend to exhibit. This product's location of original manufacture can be more specifically attributed to manufacturer General Electric's Salem, Virginia factory plant location.
Moving past this IS210AEBIH2B product number's IS210 series tag and AEBI functional acronym inclusion, the prospective AEBI board buyer will encounter the H2 series grouping tag, which has dual naming responsibilities similarly to the IS210 series tag. This H2 series grouping tag reveals this AEBI-abbreviated PCB to be a Mark VIe Wind Turbine Group 2 Series member, and as a printed circuit board protected by a level of conformal PCB coating. While the true meaning of this product's Group 2 Mark VIe Series alignment is shrouded in obscurity, there exists a great wealth of information concerning its conformal style of PCB coating. Conformal printed circuit board coating is a chemically-applied layer of PCB protective coating that should envelop the entirety of every component affixed to the base IS210AEBIH2B circuit board, unlike with the alternative normal PCB coating style. The final "B" digit trailing the rest of the IS210AEBIH2B product number reveals this Mark VIe Series model's singular, B-rated functional revision. The Mark VIe Series that this IS210AEBIH2B Alternative Energy Bridge Interface Module belongs to represents a significant improvement on earlier-developed GE Mark product series including even the Mark V; given the fact that the Mark VIe Series has a set of applications in the management and control systems of steam, wind, and gas turbines, whereas the Mark V Series was limited to gas and steam settings alone. Given this IS210AEBIH2B device's relatively narrow and long style of special Mark VIe Series base printed circuit board, it can be considered a relatively fragile product, which means that it must be treated with care heightened beyond even its more basic voltage sensitivities.