Frequently Asked Questions about 7V0ES108CD06
What does the diagnostic readout 000100 mean?
The diagnostic readout 0001000 has a fault number FL04 and a fault name of FLOSS. This diagnostic readout is for a loss of field current (L, T).
-CFU1, 2 or 3 on the Power Supply card is open.
-1PL disconnected or damaged
-Field grounded
-field lead connections made improperly
-field regulator saturation; add "16" to ADR012-OPTJP.
-Open field circuit components.
-ADR078-FLDLS set too close to ADR077-FLDMN.
-FC gain jumpers set incorrectly-check JP1 and JP2 on Power Supply card.
-Field regulator gain is too low.
What does the diagnostic readout 000101 mean.
The diagnostic code 000101 has a fault number FL05 and a fault name TPOL and means the tach polarity is incorrect (L, T).
-Reversed tach connections
-Switch SW1-7 on process interface card is set improperly.
What does the diagnostic readout 000110 mean?
The diagnostic readout 000110 has a fault number of FL06 and a fault name JMPER and means the software jumper was illegally changed while running (L, T).
-Drive must be stopped to change the values in ADR000 to ADR014.