DS200AAHA1 | GE Turbine Control | Mark V |
DS200AAHA1 | GE Turbine Control | Mark V |
DS200AAHA1 | GE Turbine Control | Mark V |
The 6KE$243007X1B1 is a GE Fuji Electric AF-300E$ Drive. It is no longer being supported by GE, but AX Control still tries to keep it in stock.
The 6KE$243007X1B1 has a constant torque rating of 7.5 HP and a variable torque rating of 10 HP. It has an input rating of 380-480 VAC, 50/60 Hz, and 21 amps. It has a constant output rating of 380-460 VAC, 0.2-400 Hz, and 13 amps. It has a variable output of 380-460 VAC, 0.2-400 Hz, and 16.5 amps. It has a U-V-W rotation. It has a maximum 60-second amperage of 19.8. It weighs right around 14 lbs. and is 310 mm long x 225 mm wide x 45mm tall. This drive is in a NEMA 1 style enclosure. It should be kept out of outdoor environments and out of conditions that include direct sunlight, water/condensation, flammable gas, corrosive materials, oil mist, and dust. There are brackets on the backside of the drive that can be used to mount the drive to a heat resistant surface.
The 6KE$243007X1B1 has three modes of operation that can be selected through the user interface on the faceplate. It has an operation mode, a trip mode, and a program mode. The trip mode is enabled when the system has faults. The display on the user interface uses a 7-segment 4-digit LED indicator and an LCD interface. The keypad on the drive has 8 keys that are labeled PRG, Reset, Run, FUNC/Data, Stop, two up/down arrows, and a >> key.
Is the 6KE$243007X1B1 certified?
What is the horsepower rating for the 6KE$243007X1B1
How heavy is the 6KE$243007X1B1
What are the CT applications duty factor and braking times?
What are the VT application duty factor and braking time?
Is a brake built into the 6KE$243007X1B1
What is the maximum KW for the 6KE$243007X1B1
What are the total Ohms for the 6KE$243007X1B1
What series is the 6KE$243007X1B1 found in?
Type | Lead Time | Price | Action |
Repair Service | 1-2 weeks | $861 |
Our highly skilled technicians can repair your 6KE$243007X1B1. All of our repairs come with a 3 Year AX Control Warranty. Please contact us for additional information about our repair process. To receive the repair pricing and lead time listed above please process your repair order via our website. The following repair options may be available upon request:
All PLCs, HMIs, and Turbine Control Boards: | 3 Years |
All AC/DC and Servo Drives: | 2 Years |
All Motors: | 1 Year |
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