Frequently Asked Questions about 6KE1143007X1A1
How much does the 6KE1143007X1A1 weigh?
The 6KE1143007X1A1 weighs seventeen pounds.
What are the dimensions of the 6KE1143007X1A1?
The dimensions for the 6KE1143007X1A1 are 8.66 (H) x 7.09 (W) x 6.22 (D) in inches.
What is the output current for the 6KE1143007X1A1?
The 6KE1143007X1A1 has an output current of twelve (12).
What is the overload rating for the 6KE1143007X1A1?
The overload rating for the 6KE1143007X1A1 is eighteen (18).
What type of enclosure does the 6KE1143007X1A1 have?
The 6KE1143007X1A1 has an IP20 enclosure.
What is the horsepower rating of the 6KE1143007X1A1?
The 6KE1143007X1A1 has a seven and a half (7.5) horsepower rating.
How efficient is the 6KE1143007X1A1's at 0.75KHz?
The 6KE1143007X1A1's efficiency rating at 0.75KHz is just under ninety-eight (98%) percent.
Does the 6KE1143007X1A1 lose power while running at 0.75KHz?
The 6KE1143007X1A1 loses one hundred and thirty-seven (137) watts of power while operating at 0.75KHz.
What is the efficiency of the 6KE1143007X1A1 at 15KHz?
The 6KE1143007X1A1 has an efficiency rating of ninety-five and a half percent (95.5%).
Does the 6KE1143007X1A1 lose any power at 15KHz?
Yes, the 6KE1143007X1A1 loses two hundred and eighty-nine watts while at 15KHz.
What is the 6KE1143007X1A1's KVA rated output power?
The 6KE1143007X1A1's KVA rated output power is nine point six (9.6).
What is the KW rated output rating for the 6KE1143007X1A1?
The KW rated output rating for the 6KE1143007X1A1 is five and a half (5.5).
Who is the maker of the 6KE1143007X1A1?
The 6KE1143007X1A1 was created by Fuji Electric for their AF-300 E11 series.