Frequently Asked Questions about 6KG1123003X1B1
Does the 6KG1123003X1B1drive lose any power while running at 15KHz?
Yes, the 6KG1123003X1B1 drive does lose up to one hundred and forty (140) watts of power while operating at 15KHz.
Does the 6KG1123003X1B1 lose any power while running at 2KHz?
Yes, the 6KG1123003X1B1 can lose up to one hundred and ten watts of power while running at 2KHz.
How effiecent is the 6KG1123003X1B1 drive while running at 2KHz?
The 6KG1123003X1B1 drive has an efficiency rating of just under ninety-six percent while operating at 2KHz.
How efficient is the 6KG1123003X1B1 while operating at 15KHz?
The 6KG1123003X1B1 drive has an efficiency rating of ninety-=five percent while being run at 15KHz.
Can you verify information on the 6KG1123003X1B1 drive?
Yes, there is a verify feature that makes it possible to check and compare the data and its differences stored in the inverter as well as the data stored in the keypad panel.
Does the 6KG1123003X1B1 have an instruction manual available?
Yes, the 6KG1123003X1B1 has a manual called the AF-300 G11 User's Guide by Fuji Electric. This manual contains information about what to do before you use this drive, installation environment and connection, operation information, details about the keypad panel, choosing the drives function, protective operations along with troubleshooting and maintenance and inspection information.
Can the 6KG1123003X1B1 drive cause a fire?
If improperly installed or handled yes, a fire could be possible. The drive must be installed properly in an area that keeps the drive free from dust, lint, paper dust, small pieces of metal or wood, or any other type of foreign matter.