Frequently Asked Questions about 6KG1123010X1B1
What type of drive it the 6KG1123010X1B1 drive?
The 6KG1123010X1B1 drive is a two hundred and thirty (230) VAC drive.
What type of enclosure does the 6KG1123010X1B1 have?
The 6KG1123010X1B1 has a NEMA style enclosure. The 6KG1123010X1B1 only has a single enclosure.
What type of input does the 6KG1123010X1B1 drive have?
The 6KG1123010X1B1 has a fifty to sixty (50/60) hertz input.
What kind of horsepower can the 6KG1123010X1B1 drive produce?
The 6KG1123010X1B1 drive can produce up to ten (10) horsepower.
Does the 6KG1123010X1B1 drive have an output current rating?
Yes, the 6KG1123010X1B1 drive has an output current rating of thirty-three (33).
Does the 6KG1123010X1B1 drive have an overload rating?
Yes, the 6KG1123010X1B1 drive has an overload rating of fifty (50).
Is the 6KG1123010X1B1 a large drive?
No, the 6KG1123010X1B1 is relatively small and weighs in at only thirteen (13) pounds.
What is the internal DB (W) for the 6KG1123010X1B1?
The 6KG1123010X1B1 has an internal DB (W) of sixty (60).
How many watts are lost by the 6KG1123010X1B1 drive while running at 15KHz?
The 6KG1123010X1B1 drive can lose up to four hundred and fifteen watts of power while running at 15KHz.
How many watts are lost by the 6KG1123010X1B1 drive while running at 15KHz?
The 6KG1123010X1B1 drive can lose up to four hundred and fifteen watts of power while running at 15KHz.
How many watts are lost by the 6KG1123010X1B1 drive while running at 15KHz?
The 6KG1123010X1B1 drive can lose up to four hundred and fifteen watts of power while running at 15KHz.
How many watts are lost by the 6KG1123010X1B1 drive while running at 15KHz?
The 6KG1123010X1B1 drive can lose up to four hundred and fifteen watts of power while running at 15KHz.
Is the 6KG1123010X1B1 drive productive at 15KHz?
Yes, the 6KG1123010X1B1 drive has a ninety-five (95%) percent productivity rating at 15KHz.