Frequently Asked Questions about 6KG1123015X1B1
What is the weight of the 6KG1123015X1B1 drive?
The 6KG1123015X1B1 drive has a weight of twenty-two (22) pounds.
What is the horsepower rating of the 6KG1123015X1B1 drive?
The 6KG1123015X1B1 drive has a horsepower rating of fifteen (15) horsepower.
What type of drive is the 6KG1123015X1B1?
The 6KG1123015X1B1 is a two hundred and thirty (230) VAC style drive.
What style input does the 6KG1123015X1B1 drive have?
The 6KG1123015X1B1 drive has a fifty to sixty (50/60) Hertz three (3) phase input.
What enclosures does the 6KG1123015X1B1 drive have?
The 6KG1123015X1B1 drive has a NEMA type enclosure.
Does the 6KG1123015X1B1 drive have an overload rating?
Yes, the 6KG1123015X1B1 drive has an overload rating of sixty-nine (69).
Does the 6KG1123015X1B1 drive have an output current rating?
Yes, the 6KG1123015X1B1 drive as an output current rating of forty-six (46).
What are the main circuit terminals and how do are they connected?
The main circuit terminals for the 6KG1123015X1B1 drive are labeled L1/R, L2/S, L3/T. They connect to the power supply using a molded-case style circuit breaker or a ground-leakage style circuit breaker to protect the circuit. It is not necessary to do phase sequence matching.
How do you disconnect the 6KG1123015X1B1 drive from the power supply if the drive's protective function activates?
If the 6KG1123015X1B1 drive's protective function activates a magnetic contactor should be used to disconnect the drive from the power supply.
Who is the maker of the 6KG1123015X1B1 drive?
The 6KG1123015X1B1 drive is made by the company Fuji Electric.
Does the 6KG1123015X1B1 drive belong to a series of drives?
Yes, the 6KG1123015X1B1 drive is a part of the AF-300 G11 drive series by Fuji Electric.