Frequently Asked Questions about 6KG1143003X4B1
What kind of drive is the 6KG1143003X4B1?
The 6KG1143003X4B1 is a drive made by Fuji Electric. It can be found in Fuji Electric's AF-300 G11 series. The 6KG1143003X4B1 is a 460 VAC, NEMA 4 50/60Hz 3 phase drive.
How much does the 6KG1143003X4B1 weigh?
The 6KG1143003X4B1 weights 8.4 ponds.
Does the 6KG1143003X4B1 have any screens?
The 6KG1143003X4B1 has two screens. One shows numbers in the same fashion an alarm clock would. The other is a digital LED screen that shows information regarding the drive.
Does the 6KG1143003X4B1 have controls?
The 6KG1143003X4B1 has a total of nine buttons that control this drive. There are buttons that start and stop the drive, that help you program the drive and toggle between screens, or rest a command that was given.
What are the statistics for the 6KG1143003X4B1?
The 6KG1143003X4B1's statistics are as follows:
Rated Output Current 5.5
Rated Output Power (KVA) 4.3.
What are the 6KG1143003X4B1's efficiancy ratrings?
The efficiency of this drive at 2KHz is 97%.
The efficiency of this drive at 15KHZ is 94.5%.
Is there any energy lost by the 6KG1143003X4B1?
The 6KG1143003X4B1 loses 80 watts of power while running at 2KHz.
The 6KG1143003X4B1 loses 150 watts of power running at 15KHz.
Can this drive be used outside?
The 6KG1143003X4B1 can only be used indoors.
Does the 6KG1143003X4B1 have a specific tempurature range it needs to stay within?
The ambient temperature range that the 6KG1143003X4B1 must stay between is -10°C to +50°C, or +14°F to +122°F.
Can the 6KG1143003X4B1 function in humid environments?
The 6KG1143003X4B1 can function with a relative humidity that is between 5 to 95%, as long as no condensation occurs.