DS200AAHA1 | GE Turbine Control | Mark V |
DS200AAHA1 | GE Turbine Control | Mark V |
DS200AAHA1 | GE Turbine Control | Mark V |
The 6KG1143005X4B1 is a 5 HP AF-300 G11 Fuji Electric Drive.
The 6KG1143005X4B1 is 380-460 VAC and 3-phase. It has an input of 13.6 amps and a frequency value of 50/60 Hz. It has an output of 9 amps and a frequency of 0.1-400 amps. For 1 minute it has the ability to overload at 150%. It is 10.24” tall x 5.91” wide x 5.71” deep. It weighs 8.4 lbs.
The 6KG1143005X4B1 is protected by a NEMA 4 enclosure. This enclosure can be used in either indoor or outdoor applications. It provides protection against dust and rain including those that are windblown. It protects the drive from water that is splashing or being directed from a hose. It has protection against ice formation on the drive. There is a small plate that can be removed on the bottom side of the drive that can allow users access to the power terminal strip. There are 10 terminals on that strip.
The faceplate on the 6KG1143005X4B1 has a user interface. The interface has a 7-segment 4- digit LED monitor, an LCD digital display that’s flanked by status LEDs, and a keypad with 9 keys. The user interface can actually be removed and replaced. There are two screws on the top left and bottom right corners on the display that can be removed and the keypad can be taken off the drive. An optional Com card can be purchased for the display that will add an RS-232 port, two dials, and an additional wire plug.
Who is the creator of the 6KG1143005X4B1?
What is the 6KG1143005X4B1's horsepower rating?
How heavy is the 6KG1143005X4B1?
Is the 6KG1143005X4B1 a part of a series?
How do you preform a data copy?
What type of enclosures does the 6KG1143005X4B1 have?
What are the drives rated output current and the rated overload for the 6KG1143005X4B1
How do you see the load rate measurement?
How can you find alarm information for the 6KG1143005X4B1
Type | Lead Time | Price | Action |
Repair Service | 1-2 weeks | $888 |
Our highly skilled technicians can repair your 6KG1143005X4B1. All of our repairs come with a 3 Year AX Control Warranty. Please contact us for additional information about our repair process. To receive the repair pricing and lead time listed above please process your repair order via our website. The following repair options may be available upon request:
All PLCs, HMIs, and Turbine Control Boards: | 3 Years |
All AC/DC and Servo Drives: | 2 Years |
All Motors: | 1 Year |
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