Frequently Asked Questions about 6KG1143005X4B1
Who is the creator of the 6KG1143005X4B1?
The 6KG1143005X4B1 is created by Fuji Electric.
What is the 6KG1143005X4B1's horsepower rating?
The 6KG1143005X4B1 has a horsepower rating of five (5).
How heavy is the 6KG1143005X4B1?
The 6KG1143005X4B1 weighs in at eight pounds.
Is the 6KG1143005X4B1 a part of a series?
The 6KG1143005X4B1 can be found in the AF-300 G11 series by Fuji Electric.
How do you preform a data copy?
To perform a data copy go to the Program Menu screen. Find what you'd like to copy by reading the screen. A copy operation is then done in the following order. the function data is read from the first inverter, the keypad panel is removed and attached to the second inverter, the data from the first inverter is written to and then stored in the second inverter.
What type of enclosures does the 6KG1143005X4B1 have?
The 6KG1143005X4B1 has four NEMA enclosures.
What are the drives rated output current and the rated overload for the 6KG1143005X4B1
The 6KG1143005X4B1's rated output current is nine and the overload of fourteen.
How do you see the load rate measurement?
To see the load rate measurement select option 6. It is called the Load Rate Measurement (LOAD FCTR) on the Program Menu Screen. The maximum current, the average current, and the average braking power during the set measuring time are measured and displayed.
How can you find alarm information for the 6KG1143005X4B1
The alarm information can be found by selecting number 7. The alarm information is abbreviated ALM INF on the Program Menu screen. A variety of operating details are displayed from when the time the alarm went off, will be displayed on the screen. You can use the up and down arrow keys to toggle between the nine different screens to the alarm information is displayed on. You can also see the alarm history and the factors behind the past alarms by pressing the FUNC/DATA button on the keypad.