Frequently Asked Questions about 6KG1143015X1B1
Who makes the 6KG1143015X1B1
The 6KG1143015X1B1 is made by Fuji Electric.
IS the 6KG1143015X1B1 in a series?
Yes, the 6KG1143015X1B1 is a part of the AF-300 G11 by Fuji Electric.
How much does the 6KG1143015X1B1 weigh?
The 6KG1143015X1B1 weighs twenty-two (22) pounds.
What is the horsepower rating of the 6KG1143015X1B1
The 6KG1143015X1B1 has a horsepower rating of fifteen (15).
What is the 6KG1143015X1B1 rated output current?
The 6KG1143015X1B1 has a rated output current of twenty-four (24).
What is the 6KG1143015X1B1's overload rating?
The 6KG1143015X1B1 overload rating is thirty-six (36).
What are the 6KG1143015X1B1's dimensions.
The dimensions for the 6KG1143015X1B1 are 15.75 (H) x 9.84 (W) x 7.68 (D).
Does the 6KG1143015X1B1 lose any wattage at 2KHz?
At 2KHz the drive loses around three hundred (300), Watts.
What is the 6KG1143015X1B1 accuracy at 2KHz?
The 6KG1143015X1B1's accuracy rating at 2KHz is ninety-seven point six (97.6%) percent.
Does the 6KG1143015X1B1 lose any wattage at 15KHz?
The 6KG1143015X1B1 loses five hundred and twenty (520) watts at 15KHz.
What is the 6KG1143015X1B1 accuracy at 15KHz?
The 6KG1143015X1B1 has an accuracy rating of ninety-five point nine (95.9%) percent.
What is the 6KG1143015X1B1 drives rated output power (KVA)?
The 6KG1143015X1B1's rated output power (KVA) of nineteen (19).
How many phases doe the 6KG1143015X1B1 have?
The 6KG1143015X1B1 has three phases.
What type of enclosure does the 6KG1143015X1B1 have?
The 6KG1143015X1B1 has one NEMA enclosure.
Where do you connect power to the 6KG1143015X1B1?
The 6KG1143015X1B1 's power connection points are labeled L1/R, L2/S, and L3/T.