Frequently Asked Questions about 6KM$243003N1A1
What is the input voltage for the 6KM$243003N1A1?
The input voltage for the 6KM$243003N1A1 range between three hundred and eighty (380) to four hundred and eighty (480) or three hundred and eighty (380) to four hundred and fifteen (415)*
*in case there is an L.V. Directive 73/23/EEC where your location is.
What are the input amps for the 6KM$243003N1A1?
The input amps for the 6KM$243003N1A1 are 8.6 amps.
What is the input frequency of the 6KM$243003N1A1?
The input frequency for the 6KM$243003N1A1 is 50/60 hertz.
What type of input does the 6KM$243003N1A1 have?
The 6KM$243003N1A1 has a three-phase style input.
What is the output voltage range for the 6KM$243003N1A1?
The 6KM$243003N1A1 has an output voltage range of three hundred and eighty (380) to four hundred and eighty (480) volts.
What is the output frequency range for the 6KM$243003N1A1?
The output frequency range for the 6KM$243003N1A1 is 0.2 to 400 hertz.
Does the output have any horsepower?
Yes, the output for the 6KM$243003N1A1 has three (3) horsepower.
What is the output amps cont. for the 6KM$243003N1A1?
The 6KM$243003N1A1's output cont. is five and a half (5.5).
Does the output have any phases like the input?
Yes, the output has three-phases just like the input.
What is the rotation labeled on the 6KM$243003N1A1?
The rotation on the 6KM$243003N1A1 is labeled U, V, W.
Does the 6KM$243003N1A1 have any certifications?
Yes, the 6KM$243003N1A1 is certified by the CE, the UL, and the SA.