About the QPJ-ABD-201
This product, while it is labeled as a part of the QuickPanel lineup of products from GE, is not one of the full touch screen frames. The QPJ-ABD-201 is the interface module that allows the QuickPanel modules to connect to the A-B Data Highway Plus.
The QuickPanel series of products are made of human/machine touch screen interface modules. These models vary from 5 and 6 inch QuickPanel Junior modules, to the 10.5 inch and 12.1 inch, larger modules. Most of these models are outfitted with viewing materials such as a thin film transistor or a super twisted nematic display. The lighting for these models are either made from an amber electroluminescent backlighting or from a liquid crystal display.
The dimensions of these QuickPanel modules vary from as small as 5 inches in height by 6.75 inches in width and a depth of 2.125 inches. The largest model has dimensions that measure out as far as 10.7 inches in height, 13.62 inches in width, and then a depth of 4.45 inches. The weight ranges as well, from as light as 1.5 pounds to 8.4 pounds.
As an industrial automation supplier, we can guarantee you that our unit that you buy from us will arrive on your doorstep, fully functional. Other suppliers would send you inventory that’s dead on arrival, but our team of technicians have completely refurbished and optimized everything. The QPJ-ABD-201 communication module, as well as the QuickPanel model touch screen units, once purchased are covered by our well-rounded and expansive warranty deal.