The 850-EP5NNG5HNNAANGAPCC2ESWBN is an 850 series model of feeder protection system from GE Multilin. This unit was designed to have a wide range of applications in industries such as processing, oil and gas, mining and metals, utility, and more. This unit works to both manage and protect incoming and outgoing feeders. This model comes with the optional 802.11 Wi-Fi connectivity to help speed up things like system configuration and retrieval of diagnostics.
Unit Features
The 850-EP5NNG5HNNAANGAPCC2ESWBN has a front HMI display with full color graphics. This panel has 14 LED indicators and 3 LED pushbutton indicators on its front panel. 10 of these LEDs may be programmed by the user. The Trip and Alarm LEDs may have custom assignments but are not color programmable. The Pickup and In Service LEDs are not programmable. Some optional features that this model includes (aside from the Wi-Fi) are the advanced control, monitoring, current protection, and communications options. Aside from the basic security protocol, this model is mostly equipped with the advanced options of features rather than basic forms.
Miscellaneous Specifications
The 850-EP5NNG5HNNAANGAPCC2ESWBN can survive harsh environments such as those found in industrial settings. This model is reliable, with an IP54 front panel rating to protect against water and dust. It is rated for 16 hours of -40°C cold and 85°C dry heat. The pollution rating for this model is degree II, where non-conductive levels of pollution are regular.