The 889-EP5P5G5HSSAANGMPFBSENNBN is a mostly baseline 889 series generator protection relay from GE Multilin. This model was designed for use in industrial and utility applications to provide management, monitoring, protection, and control over small to large generators and associated unit transformers.
As mentioned, the 889-EP5P5G5HSSAANGMPFBSENNBN is primarily a baseline model apart from its voltage monitoring and protection package. The voltage monitoring and protection of this model comes with the advanced feature set, including additional features over the standard set like power factor relay and 100% stator ground. The control, current protection, and communications of this model all include the standard feature sets for their respective functions. The monitoring and security also use the most baseline feature sets available to this series. Despite having the baseline feature sets for these functions, this model is still a highly capable generator relay.
Technical Information
The 889-EP5P5G5HSSAANGMPFBSENNBN 5A three-phase current inputs and a 5A ground current input. This unit does not have wireless communications or an advanced communications connector. This unit was built to withstand harsh industrial environments. This model was rated for use in a pollution degree II environment and is an overvoltage category III device. The operational temperature range of this model is -40°C to 60°C, and the rated humidity is up to 95% non-condensing at 55°C.