The 889-EP5P5G5LSSALAGAPFCSENNBN is a low voltage model in the 889 series of generator protection relays by GE Multilin. This unit can work with small to large generators as well as associated unit transformers. This unit was designed for protection, management, and control of these systems. This unit was built with optional features that focus on providing additional protections from voltage and current compared to the baseline model.
Advanced Specifications
As mentioned, the 889-EP5P5G5LSSALAGAPFCSENNBN has advanced current protection and voltage monitoring & protection features. The advanced current protection package includes the base protections alongside phase directional overcurrent, negative sequence directional overcurrent, restricted ground fault, and overall differential. The advanced voltage monitoring and protection package includes features like power factor relay, rate-of-change frequency, 100% stator ground, and more.
Additional Specifications
The 889-EP5P5G5LSSALAGAPFCSENNBN has standard control, monitoring, and communications feature sets. The standard control package includes important features like setpoint group control, trip bus, virtual inputs control, and more. The monitoring package includes the basic array of features along with breaker health report and thermal overload. The communications package includes features like a front USB, a rear RS485 port, and a Modbus TCP Ethernet port. The 889-EP5P5G5LSSALAGAPFCSENNBN has basic security and lacks certain optional features like wireless communications or an advanced communications connector.