About the D30-E00-HCH-F8F-H6C-M6D-PXX-UXX-WXX
Part of a new generation of modular and multifunction devices, General Electric Multilin’s D30-E00-HCH-F8F-H6C-M6D-PXX-UXX-WXX is a Line Distance Protection System that works with transmission lines of any voltage level. It primarily offers ground distance and five phase zones of protection. The D30 is compatible with systems that have ring bus or breaker-and-a-half configurations, and either of the two three-phase sets of individual phase currents may be used as an input to breaker failure protective elements.
The D30-E00-HCH-F8F-H6C-M6D-PXX-UXX-WXX is capable of metering system values such as voltage, current, and power. It can also record events that transpire within the system, offering an accompanying timestamp for user reference. Time stamping also allows the events to be ordered so that users can more easily deduce the conditions leading to system failures/alarms. The relay’s recording features reduce the need for extraneous equipment and measurements, reducing costs and maintenance for the user.
The faceplate of the D30-E00-HCH-F8F-H6C-M6D-PXX-UXX-WXX includes LEDs, a keypad, the RS232 port, a liquid-crystal display, and various pushbuttons. The RS232 port allows the relay to connect to computers running the EnerVista software program, which enables more efficient element management and monitoring of the system. The LEDs reflect different system statuses and can alert users to trip/alarm conditions. The keypad and LCD can be used to quickly reference system values and also execute system modifications (though EnerVista’s user interface is considerably more efficient). The relay may be used with a removable dust cover to safeguard the relay from particulate buildup over time.