About the D60-J00-HCH-F8F-H6U-M6U-P6U-UXX-WXX
A high power module of the Universal Relay series, GE Multilin’s D60-J00-HCH-F8F-H6U-M6U-P6U-UXX-WXX is a Line Distance Relay that offers both metering and protective functions in one compact unit. This unit is equipped with 6 Form-A Outputs and 4 Digital Inputs.
The D60-J00-HCH-F8F-H6U-M6U-P6U-UXX-WXX relay features General Electric Multilin’s FlexLogic technology, a highly flexible digital logic that combines user-programmed and fixed parameters to offer maximum efficiency to the system. FlexLogic uses a series of equations consisting of operands and operators to create outputs within the system. FlexLogic helps eliminate the need for hardwiring that would typically be needed for other systems attempting to perform blocking or supervisory functions. This reduces the number of auxiliary components and the maintenance they eventually require.
GE Multilin’s D60-J00-HCH-F8F-H6U-M6U-P6U-UXX-WXX has distance protection elements specifically designed for transmission lines. The unit deals with the issue of voltage inversion by utlizing 100% memory-polarized directional comparators.
The faceplate features LED indicators such as IN SERVICE, TROUBLE, TEST MODE, TRIP, ALARM, and PICKUP. The LEDs give great insight into system status and the relay should be mounted in good viewing conditions so that users in the vicinity can reference it with ease. The LEDs can shift colors to indicate the severity of threats when they do arise, increasing the amount of information the device can offer. The D60-J00-HCH-F8F-H6U-M6U-P6U-UXX-WXX alphanumeric liquid-crystal display, also located on the faceplate of the relay, can also passively provide system values when not being used in tandem with the keypad for setpoint entry/configuration.