About the D60-J03-HLH-F8L-H6N-M6K-P6N-U6E-W5F
Functioning primarily as a Line Distance Relay, GE Multilin’s D60-J03-HLH-F8L-H6N-M6K-P6N-U6E-W5F protects and manages transmission lines and accompanying components. The relay is equipped with a number of safeguarding features such as breaker failure protection, phase reversal, and overvoltage protection. Its metering functions include event recording, oscillography, and data logging.
The relay can be mounted on a standard 19-inch panel and detailed instructions are included in Multillin’s 1601-0089-B7 user manual. Multilin also offers a vertical version of the relay that is approximately ¾ of the size for users working with confined spaces or limiting mounting space. During installation, buyers should choose a location for the relay that is easily accessible, as users will want to both reference the unit’s LED indicators and be able to reach the keypad for easy navigation and manual configuring of the system/manual viewing of system parameters.
The D60 supports IEC 60870-5-104 protocol and can be used a slave device connecting to a primary master unit, oftentimes an RTU or SCADA master station. The relay also includes a variety of settings that can adjust how the D60-J03-HLH-F8L-H6N-M6K-P6N-U6E-W5F unit interacts with the master station; for example, DNP TIME SYNC IIN PERIOD allows users to adjust how often the DNP master may send synchronization commands, prompting more or less synchronization as required by the individual system.
Boasting an autorecloser feature, the D60 offers four programs that can trigger one or two reclose shots, with the second reclose always being three pole. The recloser is highly configurable and shields system components from damage in the event of an incident such as a short circuit.