About the D60-K03-HKH-F8L-H6D-M67-P67-U6H-W67
General Electric Multilin’s microprocessor-based D60-K03-HKH-F8L-H6D-M67-P67-U6H-W67 was created for use with transmission lines of any voltage level, offering four phase and ground distance zones of protection.
In addition to safeguarding the transmission line, the D60-K03-HKH-F8L-H6D-M67-P67-U6H-W67 relay reduces troubleshooting time by offering diagnostic features such as the following:
Event Recording: The event recording feature is capable of recording up to 1024 events and uses the relay’s internal clock to time-tag each event. The internal clock is synchronizable with an IRIG-B signal for accuracy. Users can modify which events are captured by the unit, eliminating extraneous events from the log. The event recorder automatically clears the oldest event when a new event transpires, though users can also manually erase the list of events through the keypad located on the faceplate of the device.
Data Logging: The relay’s data logging technology can sample and record 16 or less analog parameters at a user-set sampling rate. The data can be trended and exported through Multilin’s EnerVista UR software program. Users can heavily modify the data logging process through the many data logging related settings offered by the relay.
Oscillography: Oscillography waveform capture can monitor and store up to 64 records, and the sampling rate and content is determinable by the user. Users can also program using FlexLogic to begin oscillography data capture when a given system event transpires.
The data gathered from these processes can also be used to understand and optimize the system, reducing system downtime and maintenance costs in the long run.