About the UR-3PH
A replacement panel for the T60 model of the Universal Relay Series, General Electric Multilin’s UR-3PH provides a solution for users struggling with damaged or aging relay interfaces. The relay panel provides a plethora of features to the unit, including pushbuttons, LED indicators, a liquid–crystal display, space for access to the RS232 port, and a full keypad for manual navigation of the relay and its settings.
The faceplate panel’s LED indicators are capable of displaying system statuses, providing users with invaluable information as to system health, various system events, and more. For example, LEDs such as TRIP, ALARM, IN SERVICE, TEST MODE and PICKUP alert users as to which processes are occurring at any given time. IN SERVICE indicates when the relay is running as normal; namely, when all components are in good health, programming is sound, and control power is applied.
The LCD itself is backlit as to be visible even in poor lighting conditions. The display can list two lines of twenty characters each at any given time and is also capable of displaying user-configured system parameters when not in active use. Users can adjust a variety of settings and navigate relay menus by using the keypad and LCD and tandem, though editing through Multilin’s EnerVista UR program can be a considerably more streamlined experience.